..::Chapter twenty-one::..

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We're walking down to where the people who got locked up was, it was a bit of a walk since i didnt want those people any where near my house and i didnt want to shift and run, if i shifted my wolf would try and take over and if i let him, he would kill the guy on sight.

And i need answers, like who in the hell sold my baby girl to that sick guy!

First of all he looked older than me, like he could be in his 30's, and well she's mine, and if he thinks he would steal her from me he is stupid, and him being so stupid is about to cost him his life, because he will not be leaveing here alive.

Its under ground so we walk down the stair case, and to the little jail looking stop, most packs had something like this, for reasons like this, and he is the only one in here, because i dont use this place much,

He stands up seeing us walk in and i think everyone is glaring, i tell the two guys watching him to leave, so its me , Jack, and Micah but i send Micah to watch outside, and i walk up to him close as i can get.

"Why are you here?" i demand

"You know why, the girl is mine and i came to find her, ive been looking for a long time, and you know what happens when i dont get my way." he says looking over at Jack who growls at him, and hits the bars of the cell,

I put my hand on his shoulder and pull him back trying to calm him , i know he's fighting the need to kill him even more than me, his wolf will want the blood of the one that took his mate away from him.

"Who promised you my girl and why?" i say

 "Long story that might be easier to tell if i wasnt locked up!" he says

"No! you tell me now, and i'll make you'r death les painful or dont and i'll just kill you now." i say

"If im going to be killed either way why should i tell you?" he says with a smirk

"Because i can make the last moments of you'r life more painful and terible than you could ever think." i half hiss half growl,

I have no pitty for this man,he's trying to take my mate and i know he meant to kill Jack's mate to hurt him and that made him lower than dirt to me, and a lot of other would see it the same.

"Fine!" he growls snarling at us

"The alpha of you'r pack, you'r father." he says looking at Jack

"Why would he give you her?!" he demanded,

"Not really her, he gave me a pick of any girl from the pack, a littler girl and if i kept my end of the deal he would let me have her on her 18th birthday, i did and when i came to get her, she was gone! " he said

"What kind of deal did you make?" i ask

"That i will not tell you." he says looking away from us,

"Oh yes you will." i say glaring at him,

"Oh no i willl not, so kill me now." he says

"Gladly." Jack says looking at me

"Go for it." i say tossing him the key to the jail cell, he wanted this more than i did, and well i felt like he should get to i guess, maybe it will help him feel a little better, it will at least help his wolf calm down a bit.

And i walk out going up to the top to wait for him, he shouldnt have a big problem but i'll wait to make sure everything is okay, the walls are made out of a kind of stole that made wolfs weak but only when inside the cells, so he'd be to weak to really fight his death,  when i get to the top Micah is there waiting for me.

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