It wasn't long, before I felt the shutter and the air change. I slowed, and regained control of my body. I was now out of my territory, and heading towards Steffans'. I stopped and turned back around, back towards the dark blue sky and the rising moon.

I may as well start to think of it now that my blood wasn't boiling. I had to find out what was or did happen to Eliana. Whatever it was it was huge. That poor girl had changed right before my eyes, well kind of. Today was the first day in nearly a full week that I had seen her even close to her old self. Something had to have happen while she was there and I was going to find out somehow.

With that decided I started back towards the house. Half a mile away I heard a small growl coming from my left. I froze, suddenly suspicious. I cocked my head to the side, to hear well. Nothing, the growling had stopped. I started on my way again, just to hear it again. I growled in response. I sniffed the air around me. Lingering in the air was another wolf's scent. I didn't recognize the scent at all. I started to growl again, before I called through our connection.

You guys might want to get down here. I called out to my family, before hearing a few more voices join the ominous growling in the trees ahead. And fast!

Eliana's POV

I felt like the ground beneath me had slipped away from me. I was just floating there, in the world between sleep and reality. Suddenly I was jerked back into reality. I fell from my floating place and hit the couch. I quickly sat up to see what had happen. Philly was standing there calling out to Mitch to come.

"What's going on?" I asked, rubbing my face.

He looked down at me surprised to see me awake.

"Sorry, didn't mean to wake you up. Dylan just got into a bit of trouble."

Mitch came down the stairs and they headed out back.

My heart started racing. Could he have gotten into trouble with the Steffan's?

"Philly, what kind of trouble?" I pleaded with him. They flung the back door to the side, and started speed walking out to the edge of the forest. I got no answer. I had to run to keep up.

Could he have been taken or fighting with them? If they were would I be able to stop them? I know Jace had rejected me, but he wouldn't ever do anything to hurt me. Would he? Of course he wouldn't.

"Philly, tell me this instant." I demanded, grabbing onto his arm to get his attention.

He shrugged me off, as he reached the woods. "Philly!" I screamed with panic in my voice. He must have realized where my thoughts were going because he stopped and turned around to look at me.

"It's not like that ok, just some rouge that wandered too far onto our land."

I didn't realize I had been holding my breath, but I let out a breath in relief. Then it dawned on me what he had said. The number one rule was that I could not be seen by rouges. They would use me as something to get at my family with.

"How far is too far?" I asked.

"J-" He started before getting cut off by a growl that erupted up around us. Too far in, and too close to the house. Mitch vanished into the woods, with a shredding noise as his clothes ripped up from the shift. I looked back at Philly to see what he was going to do. He looked down at me. "Into the house now!" He ordered.

I didn't think twice, before I obeyed him. I ran in, and bolted the back door. It was useless against a huge wolf, but better then nothing. I then ran to the front door and locked it too. I ran up to my room and looked out the window hoping to see something out in the distance. I opened up my window to hear something. A lot more growling filled the air. Could I say we were all very glad that this area was filled with a lot of real wolves, so nobody ever questioned all of the constant growling coming from the wood's.

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