Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

I was running, faster then I ever could. My heart was pounding and I was terrified. It was unclear what I was afraid of right now, but whatever it was it was scarier than I could have ever believed. I turned back and saw a snow white wolf following me. I turned back around and picked up the red gown I was wearing. I sprinted over a moss covered log and continued running through the trees. Nothing but endless trees.

Suddenly everything slipped away and all I could see was a wounded black wolf laying on the ground. For some reason I ran to it worried. I reached out with my sweaty palm to feel around for where it was badly hurt. I brushed wet fur and found blood coating my fingers.

I heard a growl come from behind me and I turned around to face the trees at the end of the small clearing. In the moonlight I caught a glimpse of glowing fur. The wolf came out and I realized it was the white wolf from before but in the moonlight it glowed. I caught a look at myself in its black eyes.

I was wearing a corseted blood red dress with dark hair flying around me. In the reflection of myself in its dark eyes I saw fear. Fear was so noticeable, from the way my mouth was open, to the way my eyes were wide, wider then they had ever been in my life. I started to shake terrified of not what would happen to me, but what would happen to the wolf behind me. I heard a whimper from behind me, but I paid no attention to it other than the fact that it was expressing the same as what I felt. As if it had the same fear I had of the other getting hurt.

Suddenly the snow white wolf before me began to growl coming closer. Its growl slowly started to form a human word. My name. "Eliana, Eliana, Eliana." Every one become more human like, and less of an animal like growl.

"Eliana!" I jumped up in the bed to see John sitting there calling my name to get me up.

"What do you want?" I growled and flopped over, so I was staring at the small window that was streaming in the late afternoon sun. God, I really slept in.

"I need to get answers. Its about you and Jace," He hesitated seeing that I tensed up. "Are you really human?"

I sat up on the bed trying not to think about the situation too much. "Yeah."

"Then how? How did you mate with him?" John pleaded.

"How do you even know?" I asked.

"Jace and I have been best friends since we were in dippers. I can tell when something is upsetting him."

"I don't know how I found a mate let alone him. Aren't the future alpha's mates supposed to be strong?" I asked.

"Yeah they are. I don't understand how you were able to mate with him." He was looking out the small window trying to figure it out. An idea jumped into my mind. I couldn't help myself from sharing with him. I just really wanted to talk with somebody.

"I have a theory. I was feeling very sick at the party, and it wasn't from the drinking. Could it be that my body was changing. Ever since my birthday I will start to feel really sore at random moments. For a human to find its mate you would have to be strong but still human. I can hear things better, smell, and my muscles are so sore." When I finished he looked at me like I had invented the light bulb.

"That right. We have never had any humans mate with a werewolf so who says that what you are saying isn't true. Your still human but you have become stronger," He said. Then he looked at me shyly. "So you really mated with Jace?"

"Uh-huh, I don't really have a choice."

"Why are you so upset then?"

"Because he-" I had to take in a deep breath. My hands had started to shake again. "Because he called me worthless, and thought he was weak for mating with me." I couldn't hold it in anymore. My voice caught in my throat, and swelled up. Then all those unshed tears started to drift out. I covered my face with my hands feeling ashamed for crying in front of him.

UntamedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora