Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

"Ok, so I think silver smokey eyes would look cute. What do you think?" Kathleen asked.

"I don't know. I know nothing about makeup," I said drying my hair with a thick white towel. We were going to be going to a party tonight even though its a Wednesday. There is no school tomorrow or Friday because of Parent teacher conferences.

"Oh come on. You know what I am going to do silver."

"Ok enjoy yourself."

I stomped into the bathroom holding the blue dress at arms length away. I pulled off my robe and slipped on the deep blue dress that matched my eyes. With the right makeup it could be ready for a party, like the one tonight, or with a bit of mascara it could look casual enough to stroll through the park. The blue dress just sort of fell loose from my waist down, but it was tight above my waist. It had a blue silk ribbon going across the waist. It came down to a bit before my knees. I came out with my hair still rolled up in my towel to keep from getting my dress wet.

Kathleen was dressed in a deep green tight dress that showed off her curves. The green matched her green eyes. She had already put on makeup that made her eyes look like they were bulging out of her face. She had on red lipstick making her red hair look like it was on fire. Her red hair had been pinned up into a cute stylish messy bun with perfect little curls sticking out here and there. All together she looked awesome.

She got straight to work on my makeup. She started with trying to cover up the bags under my eyes. She made small comments about how hard it was when everything looked like I was sick. After about 10 minutes she was pleased with the fact that I no longer looked sick. She then moved onto my eyes. How long she spent on my eyes was way beyond me. I must have fallen asleep cause when I woke up she was shaking me awake.

"You just sorta rolled your head back and I thought you were just getting comfortable. Then you started to snore so I knew you were asleep," She grinned at me.

"Ha ha, I don't snore."


"I don't," I complained back.

"Well it was a good thing you fell asleep, because you didn't argue with anything that I did to your face," She said spinning the chair around so I could see myself in the mirror.

"Oh my god," I was astounded. I didn't know what else to say.

I walked over to the full length mirror and looked at my entire body. I spun around a couple of times watching my dress billow up around me. I stopped and stared at the girl who looked both wild and mysterious. My deep blue eyes sticking out like I had plucked a piece of fabric and stuck them on my eyes. The silver makeup also brought out the darker side of my eyes. The dress clung to my body just enough to give it a hourglass look.

"I knew you would never agree to heels so I decided to let you borrow some of my ankle boots."

I just stared at the boots she motioned to. I loved them they were absolutely perfect. They had a bit of a heel but luckily it wasn't a stick thin heel I was bound to snap, but instead one that was about an inch thick and maybe 3 inches long. Just enough to make me look tall.

"Thank you," I said pulling on the boots.

Kathleen slipped on a long worn silver chain with a large warn silver heart dangling from the end. The look was complete and just in time. I heard a knock coming from the door followed by "Are you all dressed?"

"Yeah, come on in."

Philly came in looking so hyped up on sugar he was practically bouncing. When his eyes started soaking in the very embarrassed Kathleen, who was wrapping her jacket around her to cover herself up. Then they landed on me he stopped bouncing and his grin fell.

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