Chapter 46

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Chapter 46

I could have sworn the key was in here. I rummaged through my purse, before I just became fed up and spilled all it's contents onto the floor in front of Cole's apartment. I set down my package of toilet paper and feathers, before I kneeled down next to the contents.

Footsteps echoed down the hall, so I quickly looked up making sure it wasn't one of the boys. It was just a young man in his early twenties. He had blond messy hair, dark brown eyes, and a tall toned figure. If I wasn't so committed to Jace, I would have probably been doing more than just glancing over his body. Actually I was just very distracted with my plan in mind. He gave me a strange look, when he passed me.

"What are you looking at?" I snapped.

"Need any help?" he asked.

"No, I just lost my key."

"I thought a bunch of boys lived in this apartment?" he asked.

Of course he happened to live in this building, and not just visiting. I sighed to myself, before standing up.

"My brother lives here. He gave me a spare key, but it got lost in my purse," I explained.

"Ok then. I'll let you get to it," he said. He turned around, and headed off to the elevator he had just exited from before our conversation.

I gave him a weird glance as he entered the elevator, before going back to my search for the key. I found it hidden under a candle. Yeah, a fricken candle. So my purse was full of random stuff. I just never bothered to clean it out. Like ever. I stuffed the key into my pocket, before gathering all my junk into my purse.The last thing I needed was to accidentally sweep my key back into my purse. I unlocked the door, and then went in like I owned the place.

I dropped all my stuff onto one of the couches, before making my way into the kitchen looking for food. I shouted out just to make sure no one was here. Once I got a satisfying silence, I started rummaging through their fridge for a pudding. When I went back to the living room, I saw muddy boot prints on their floors.

"Oop," I muttered, before scooping some pudding into my mouth.

They probably had a cleaning lady, considering there were five boys living in a house together, and the place somehow managed to stay clean. It was raining today, so I was forced to wear my combat boots. I would have worn my flip flops, but they were lost to the Mountain. Even Emily dubbed it the Mountain last night.

I plopped down onto the couch, and decided to start my plan in half an hour. I turned on the tv, and it was playing some sappy romance. I know, now that I was dating I should love sappy romances, but I didn't. They just seemed too fake. A relationship didn't work like that, I realized. Not everything turned out perfect once the boy accepted the girl, who he used to have nothing to do with. Jace and I still had our many problems. Don't get me wrong, I still wanted to be with him. Scratch that, I needed to be with him. My body was always begging for his touch, my thoughts were consumed by him, and every time I saw him I felt like my heart would burst out of my chest. But no matter how perfect things seemed to be, I always felt like there was something between us. I wasn't just talking about his dad, the packs, my family, and me being human- which is a lot of stuff between us. I didn't know what it was, but it wasn't that.

Sometimes I wondered if we would even be together if we weren't mates. It was a thought that always sent my heart racing, and my palms sweating. I sometimes feared that it was just Jace's wolf that loved me, not him. That every time I was with him and he acted nice and charming, it was just his wolf. I was terrified that one day his human self would take over completely, and decide to dump my sorry ass.

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