Chapter 18

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Hope you all enjoy!

Chapter 18

Turns out Mom hadn't been under any medication, she just had to go to court in the morning no matter how much she didn't want to. Philly and I were being really lazy this morning, so we both just ended up watching some TV. I was sitting down on the couch, while Philly was getting some food for us.

There was very little room on the couch, so I had to sit with Dylan's feet in my lap. Dad had been dragged to his bed, but the other four men were laying all over the place. Really I didn't exactly understand why we had men around the room, laying on chairs and couches, and nobody was here to take care of them. Well, the world didn't make sense. I already knew that though.

"Here you go," Philly said, handing me some Chinese take out that he went down the street to get.

He sat down on the ground by my feet. I opened up my box of Lo mein and my chopsticks, and dug in. I don't know how I learned how to eat with chopsticks, but I always could. Even though I only went out for Chinese maybe twice when I used to live in the orphanage. Sometimes I wonder what had happen to everyone there. Oh well.

Suddenly something kicked me in the rib. I started gasping, clutching my side. I then looked down to see Dylan's foot moving.

"Are you serious?!" I screamed at him, even though he was still asleep, but just waking up.

"Dude, I told you Dylan is just hurting you," Philly snorted out, between laughter. I smacked the back of his head, shutting him up.

Dylan suddenly started to stir on the couch. I looked down at him, just as he suddenly leaped up into a sitting position, clutching his shoulder. His eyes were filled with pain, and smokey from the medication. He looked around suddenly confused.

"Eliana?" He asked confused. "Oh great, the pain killers are making me see things," he said muttering to himself.

"No, it's really me," I chuckled as he double checked to make sure I was there. He squinted, before jumping up in his seat. He leaped over the couch, wrapping me up in a hug.

"Oh my god, how did you get back?" He asked me.

"I escaped right before the fight," I muttered into his shoulder.

He squeezed me even tighter. I started struggling to breath. I tried pushing him away, but it was no use.

"I think she just might need to breath," Philly said coming to my rescue.

Dylan immediately let me go, but still clutching onto my arm. I started to rub my side, because it was really sore now. Philly started to laugh at me. I stuck my tongue out at him, before kicking him away from me.

"What happen to you side?" Dylan asked.

"Um... you," I said looking down at the cushion.

"Aw, I'm sorry little girl," He said teasing me, ruffling my hair.

"I just fixed it," I growled, before sticking my tongue out at him.

He laughed at me.  "Really it doesn't even look like you did anything."

"Whatever. Do you want something to eat?" I asked him. I reached into the paper bags pulling out my fried rice.

"Thanks,"  he said before snarfing down it down, spooning out the rice at such a speed I couldn't even see it.

Soon enough the everyone else woke up. Everyone was just as excited to see me as Dylan was. When Adam woke up, he vanished within a minute. I asked them what was going on with him. Philly just shrugged, scooping up some more sweet and sour chicken in his mouth. Once Dad woke up everyone started to have a talk about what to do next.

"What if they try to come back?" Dad's Beta, Evan, asked.

"We kill them all. Every last one," Dylan growled.

My eyes started to burn. I know I absolutely hate Jace, but at least he was still on earth with me. Its easier to hate someone if they are alive. Philly realized this, so he wrapped me up in his arms. I snuggled up onto his shoulder, as they all continued arguing.

"I think that this is the beginning to the end. I think this rivalry that has been going on will finally end, and one of us will come out alive," Dad said, with his back to us staring out the window, as though another solution would pop out of the woods.

"We don't have to kill everyone though," Philly said trying to help me when I started to shrink deeper into the couch, wishing I could vanish.

"Your right, and they will realize this too. If we want to win, we only have to kill their alpha and his heir," He snapped. Well that totally backfired on Philly.

"We don't really have to kill his son do we?" Philly asked.

Dad turned around to look at Philly. He narrowed his eyes trying to figure out what he was getting at.

"Of course we do. He nearly killed me," Dylan screamed back. "Anyways he's the alpha's son, so unless you want him taking on Dad after he kills their alpha, then we have to kill him."

I couldn't stand it anymore. I quickly stood up, surprising everyone, and running up to my room. They all tried calling me back.

"I'll go talk to her," I heard Philly say.

I slammed my door open, letting it bounce against my wall. I was suddenly glad Philly came up, because he closed the door blocking out the bickering over how to kill my mate and his father without getting too many of our own men killed.

I wasn't going to cry, I promised myself. I just needed to blow off some steam. I started to kick random stuff across my room. Screaming at the walls. Shoving my bed deeper into the gaping hole in the wall. Ripping random stuff. I really wish I could go wolf, and go on a very long run. I wasn't that lucky though. The tears started to threaten, so I started punching more stuff. Philly just stood by the door watching me.

I suddenly heard a earsplitting shattering sound. I looked to see I had just smashed my mirror. A stinging pain started in my hand, and I started cussing. I cussed out everything and everyone. Philly came to my rescue, as soon as I crumpled to the floor when the tears from everything over took me. He hauled me into the bathroom, still sobbing, and washed off my hand. Blood was oozing out of several different places.

"What was that for?" He asked me. I just started crying more.

He wrapped it up, before I just gave up and started balling on the floor.

"Sh, it's all ok," He tried comforting me.

"No, it isn't. My family wants to kill my mate, the one person who was meant for me, and my mate doesn't even want me. My mate and his family want to kill my family. And now I have a bloody fist. Why is this all happening? Does the world just hate me?" I screamed to him.

"No it doesn't. Trust me, if you were to tell them then they would understand." He sat cross legged on the floor, pulling me up against him.

"What?" I asked snapping out of it. "NO! We can't tell them anything. Please Philly," I pleaded with him, whipping away the few tears I still had left.

"I'll give you time. You better stop freaking out like that though."

I nodded my head, and then just curled up on the cool bathroom floor. I soon started to feel reality slip away. I was in a place where nothing could ever hurt me. There was no rivalry, we all lived in peace, and my mate loved me. My family loved me, and I was happy. Nobody was trying to kill one another. Nobody was trying to kill those who I love most. The world seemed to be just right in my mates arm, with my families smiling faces looking at the two of us.

Hey thanks for reading! Please Vote and Comment!!!! OH and also I'm still looking for a new cover. Mine sucks. Thanks!

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