Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

What the hell was I supposed to do now? I slammed my locker closed with all my materials for second period in my arms. I ended up not going to the office, and decided to just ditch the last fifteen minutes of first period.

I heard footsteps coming my way from around the corner. Fearing it was a teacher, I dove into the restroom. I looked around the small restroom, regretting my choice of hiding. There was nothing to do. Out of the corner of my eye I caught a glance of wild hair. I looked myself over in the mirror, and realized that strands of hair were going their own course. I fixed stray hairs that didn't want to curl up. Then my eyes roamed over my smiling face. When my eyes met my own, I saw a certain twinkle that hadn't been there since before that party over a month ago.

After focusing too long on my eyes, my head started to pound harder with sharp pains that felt as though it was splitting my skull. The dull pulsing pain at the back of my head became stronger. I held my head with a sigh, and pulled out the painkillers from my pocket. I swallowed it, and within minutes the pain started to numb itself out, and I started to feel like a moving marshmallow.

Just then the bell rang. I gathered my stuff, and left the restroom. I walked at a quick pace to English. I was one of the first in class, so I just chose a seat in the back. I pulled out my notebook, and started to doodle aimlessly across a blank sheet.

After a few minutes students started to file in. I ignored all of them, until I felt a presence beside me. I looked up from the tree I was just doodling, and saw John sitting next to me.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey, what are you drawing?" He asked.

I looked at a moon peeking between gnarled bare branches, that attached to a strong ancient trunk.

"Tree," I answered simply.

"Never would have guessed," he said sarcastically.

"Your the one that asked," I pointed out.

The bell rang, and I looked around the classroom. There was no teacher at the front.

"Could I ask you a question?" He asked.

"You just did," I answered.

He gave me a pointed look. I laughed at him.

"Sure," I said.

"Did you..." He started.

"Did I what?" I asked, when he paused to think of the right way to phrase it. His voice dropped to a whisper.

"Did you and Jace sleep together?" He asked.

My eyes jolted up, looking around to make sure nobody else had heard. Just then the teacher came in.

"Quiet down class!" The teacher spoke from the front.

I shot John side glance, and realized he was still waiting for an answer. I nodded my head slowly, and heard a sharp intake of breath from him. A smile crept onto his face.

I waited for the teacher to finish going through attendance. Once he was done he turned to face the entire class, and began to teach our next lesson.

"How did you know?" I asked in a whisper.

"Eliana!" the teacher yelled from the front of the room.

I looked up at her.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Do you have something to share with the class?" she asked.

I shook my head.

"Good, now don't interrupt me again."

UntamedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora