Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

The rest of the day went by uneventful. So did Sunday, other than the argument the boys and I had over who watched what on what TV. Oh, and I also got a ride over to the garage from Chris, who was headed that way anyways, and picked up my bike. The look on my brother's face as I pulled up was priceless. They were drooling all over it that I had to tell them to keep a foot away. Once they got over the initial shock they wanted to know how I got it. I really had no explanation, so I just told them I found it. They didn't believe me, and to tell you the truth I don't think anyone would, so they tried to push it out of me.

I was standing in front of the mirror in my room at 6:30 in the morning getting ready for my return to school. It took me forever to figure out how to finally convince dad that I was going to explode if I couldn't go to school.

I was pulling on a cream top that had ruffles in the front that I had bought. I placed the leather jacket over it. It gave me a simple bad girl look that I craved. I matched the rest of the outfit with dark skinny jeans and some long boots. I left my dark thick hair down forming small waves down my back brushing my elbows. I looked in the mirror and couldn't help myself from gasping. I looked hot. I put on some eyeliner and was ready.

I grabbed my bag and keys. I knew I wasn't supposed to be driving yet, but in a day I would be 16 and have my license. I ran downstairs and was met by my brothers. They all turned around at the sound of me stomping down the stairs in my black leather boots that matched my jacket. The look on their faces was surprised then followed by anger.

I quickly smiled and ran out the door leaving my brothers just standing there. I started the motorcycle and pulled out. The wind was blowing across my face making a smile from on my lips. This must be what it was like to be a wolf. My smile dropped immediately. I would never have the joy of experiencing being in wolf form running or sharing something deeper than just friendship with my friends and brothers. I wanted to belong truly with them, be in their pack, and in each other's minds. I started feeling shaky so I started just focusing on driving.

As soon as I pulled up to school I found every eye on me. Almost every pair was in shock. I couldn't help but smirk at the looks on their faces. I stopped and was swarmed by guys, and the occasional girl who wanted to show her boyfriend she understood cars; not motorcycles, cars. I spotted a head full of red curls, and made my way over through the thick swarm.

"Hey," I said reaching Kathleen.

She was wearing a deep green shirt that hung a bit low in the front. Along the shoulders was braided fabric sewn in. She was wearing some plain blue jeans. Her red hair spilling all over the place.

"Hi, what's with the bike?" She asked turning her emerald green eyes away from the bike and to me.

"Well, I wanted to ride it to school today," I said glancing around to find Adam staring at the bike.

"How did you get this?" He asked looking away from the bike to see what I had to say.

"Oh, you know." Kathleen giggled at my side knowing how I had gotten it.

My brothers arrived pulling up into the spot right by my bike honking at the group of boys to move it or lose it. I looked into the eyes of Dylan and saw anger. Great what had I done now? Not really wanting to find out I grabbed Kathleen's arm and towed her away from her cousin, who was just starting to talk to Mitch.

"I'll take you to the office. I have a feeling my brother is really pissed off at me, and I really don't want to find out why yet."

She nodded and started walking instead of just being dragged. Entering the building was terrible. It was fairly hot out but we had no air conditioning, and with all the body heat it was just plain torture. I walked as quickly as I could into the only room in the school that had air conditioning. The office which was just where we needed to go.

UntamedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora