Chapter 29: Guests

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Erwin walked downstairs to the dining room, he saw his younger mate sitting in the lounge reading a book. He was clad in a pair of white pants and a white button up and a light blue sweater. His hair was brushed and he had a small pink blush on his cheeks. He realized the cutie had the windows open. He had a pair of brown leather flats on his feet and he had a white kitten laying in his lap. He had a cup hot tea and a scone sitting on a light blue plate. "Ocha to sukōn'arufa, watashi no soba ni suwatte kudasai. Watashi wa anata o dakishimetai?" Levi spoke in Japanese, he was reading a book in Japanese. They were hosting a Japanese couple in the castle do the past few weeks the two started learning Japanese. {Tea and scones Alpha, come sit by me. I want to cuddle you.}

"Perfecto my love~," Erwin purred, he walked over to his mate and he moved the Omega off the chair and then tugs him into his arms. "Are you reading a book in Japanese?" The older asked, he saw the symbols and the words following after. He knew they weren't English letters, they were too foreign.

"Mmhm," Levi hummed, he turned the page and he reached for his cup of tea. He sipped at it then set it back on the white saucer with blue flowers on it. "I'm using the dishes we got from your Mum," The black haired man said, he turned the page and he read the next one.

"I'm glad you like them sweetheart," The blond said, he pressed a kiss to the black haired teenager's mating mark. He nuzzled into his shoulder. Levi ran a hand through his hair, he looked over at the sleeping cat in the corner of the room. She had her small kitten nuzzled into her side, her blue eyes look up at the mated pair. "What time are the guests coming over?"

"At noon, why?" The raven inquiries.

"No reason, I was wondering if you would like to go horseback riding until they get here," It was eight jn the morning and half of the maids are probably asleep. He isn't going to lie, he really wants to spend time with his lover. He misses the Omega's undevided attention.

"Ohh," Levi smirked, "Does Alpha want to spend time with his Omega? Is Alpha sad because he misses the Omega's attention?" His grey blue eyes stare at him, his lips press into a thin line and his eyebrows pinch. He presses his lips to the Alpha's forehead, the alpha closed his eyes.

"...Yes," Erwin said, he tugged the Omega off him and he pulled the Omega inro his arms despite his younger lover's protests. It was around 11 when the guests showed. Levi was the first one to dismount and run up to greet the women. Erwin trailed behind him.

One of the women wore a more masculine outfit, then the other wearing female clothes. She stared at Levi shocked, "Why isn't your Omega wearing a dress or at least feminine clothes?" The Alpha asks, Levi had his arm linked with the other male's. He didn't see why what he wore wasn't okay. This is as feminine as he'll get. He changed into a loose white shirt, a simple pink vest with strings, a pair of white pants and brown heeled boots.

"Oh, that's simple," He looked over at his Omega, "he doesn't like dressing like a woman, he isn't a woman," The woman seemed to take that as an answer. Later on that night Levi was up reading a book clad in a thin white long sleeve button up and a pair of shorts. Erwin walked inside, he had a frizzled look on his face. Levi stalked over to the male, he pulled him down and he pressed their lips together. They spent the night naked, both to lazy to put on actual clothes.

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