Chapter 3: Pictures That Trigger Memories

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Levi picked 10 people from the small village they had been close to, one of them being a girl who he had seen earlier. Although it had been a hard choice, Levi decided on Isabel, Petra, Oluo, Gunther, Eld, Hannah, Austen, Tyler, Grant, and Orin. They all showed him the Best, most of the ones that didn't get in had showed up to make fun of the Omega Captain, but like he had said earlier he doesn't need someone making a mockery out of his ship. No one makes fun of his ship, during those situations he had to refrain from killing the people who mocked the ship or him. 

He stood on his deck, hands placed firmly on his hips. Scowl gracing his lips, grey blue eyes staring at his new sailors. "Welcome to my ship," Levi announced, many of the new sailors all straightened their shoulders and had shouted 'Yes sir.' Levi walked off into his area of the deck, he propped his shoulders onto the rail. He stared at the open country land, he watches as a castle becomes visible. "Hange," He mumured, the brown haired beta popped her head in. 

"Yes Cap," Hange asked, Levi watched flowers blow in the wind. It reminded him of the lilies his Mother always had lilies on her stand. Now Levi always had some sort of flower in his pirate jacket pocket, it reminded him of his Mother. The ocean rippled beneath the ship, he pointed at the castle. "Oh the royal family lives there," She explained, motioning with her hand. Levi was content with that answer, he hummed and he trailed his index finger against the rail of the boat, Hange patted him on the back and excused herself, probably to go start the dinner.

He stood out on the deck for awhile, feeling the way his hair blew in the wind and he watches as the water splashed against the ship. Levi smiled, he adored times like this. Just him and his ship, nobody to disrupting his thoughts. His Mother would tell him tales about the ocean, Levi at the time believed her, but now looking back at the tales he didn't believe them. After all they all were the same way; Magic. If the young Omega ever choose to have pups, he wouldn't make them live a sheltered life, he'd show them the ocean. But Levi knows, that isn't a life for a Captain, his ship is his main concern and his sailors can be considered his family...not that he really had one anyways. He was always alone after his Mother died, he buried his Mother six feet under and he killed his uncle figure by throwing him overboard.

Nonetheless to say, the only person he had left was Farlan, later on Hange. He trusted Farlan more, but soon Hange crept her way into his world. He knew he won't ever have a normal life, either because he's a Captain of a ship, or because he simply doesn't want to. Honestly he doesn't care, either way his life isn't going to end up the way his Mom wants it to be. "Captain," He turned his head to see honey eyes gaze at him, the girl was around his height, maybe a few years younger. He recognized her as Petra, he waved a hand for her to speak. "Hange requested I bring you to the dining area," The ginger said, with a scoff Levi reluctantly left the ships deck.

The sound of his boots padded across the hallway, Petra's more docile steps not making any sound. He touched his hand to the wall, he touched the wall hung with pictures of the past Captains' and sailors'. He left his hand on the one of his Mother, it was old and beaten. But he could still clearly see her pale features, inky black hair, sharp nose, her dramatic eyes, dark red lipstick staining her lips, and she had a beauty mark right below her lip. "Captain," Petra made herself known, Levi grabbed Petra and he shoved her aside. She let out a groan as her back hit a picture frame shattering a picture of a man.

Levi heard the glass break, he moved his hand from the wall and he crouched onto the floor. He could see a ripped picture of his uncle Kenny, as a young boy, "You broke my uncles picture," Levi growled, Petra stared at him in shock, the black haired teenager lunged himself at Petra, but was held back by someone.

"Levi, its fine, she didn't mean too," Farlan kept him at bay, his soothing scent of the salty cream pie. "C'mon let's go eat," He hoisted Levi onto his shoulder, Levi hissed threats and clawed at his back. He tried reaching for his blade, but he was unable to reach for it.

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