Chapter 15: The King And King

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Levi's crown this takes place five years later

Levi's crown this takes place five years later

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(Erwin's crown)

Levi leans against Erwin, he had a glass of wine in his hands. He had a smile on his face, the blond man leaned down and he kissed Levi's pale skin. He had his own cup of wine in his hand, the taller of the two had a gold crown on his freshly gelled blond hair and Levi had his own on his head. He was dressed in his normal clothing, but dressed up more then usual. His eyes flicker onto the dance floor, people spin around their hair blowing around in the wind. "Is it bad I don't feel any different?" Erwin asked.

"No, I don't feel different. Maybe because we're so used to being called King and King," Levi mused, Erwin smiled and he slipped his arms around the young man. "Today is awesome, I can't wait until our first duty," The Omega grinned.

"Me neither, I was worried at first. Before I met you, I thought I wouldn't be able to be King. Now I have you to keep me in line," Erwin said, he pressed a kiss to the pale forehead. Children from around the village, came to bring them gifts for the celebration of the union. "I can't believe your my husband," Erwin said.

-The day before-

Erwin stared at his reflection, he was dressed in a black suit. He had a light blue tie on, his hair was gelled back and he had a dashing smile on his face. He couldn't stop smiling, his blue eyes were glowing. He walked away from his mirror and he walked into the groomsmen dressing area. He smiled at the young boys, his friends had children because they were all older then him. Erwin himself was 24, his soon to be husband is 22. They both are technically orphans, but they had a whole village that was like their family, it was a nice to celebrate something like this with a big family. Erwin came from a family of six, he was the second youngest and he had three older siblings. He had a younger sister, and one the same age as him.

Mike was messing with his own tie, the man had a puzzled look on his face. Erwin walked up to his best friend and he fixed his tie. "Come on Mike, you don't know how to put on a tie by now," He teased, he brushed the man's suit off and he straightened his shoulders.

"You're getting married, I was distracted," Mike grumbled, a light blush on his face. "I can't believe you're getting married," The dirty blond whined. A flash of brown hair came running by, they yelled at their friend and Mike asked her where she was.

Hange let out a laugh, "Places, I had to get my suit then I had to check on Petra. As a good lover, I had to make sure she got here safe," They trailed off, soon enough the trio was standing at the altar.

The music started playing and that little boy Erwin fell in love with started walking down the aisle. He held onto his adopted Father's arm, the veil covered Levi's face and he had a small pink blush on his cheeks. The young Omega wore a simple lace wedding dress, with a big bow tied in the back. Grisha stood near the aisle, he asked for Erwin to come down and join them. The music stopped, "I'm here today to give away my oldest, he is very special to me and he is my late wife's twin. She no longer is with us, but I know she is watching from above. Rivialle Rose Jaeger, I hand you over to this fine young man, but first I have a few things to say to you Erwin.

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