Chapter 25: My Own Warrior

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Levi is a fucking badass in this chapter and Erwin needs too give his poor baby a hug. Also Mike needs to let go of the loss he faced with his ex. Also Erwin and Mike have a past.

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Two months later, 1870, November

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Two months later, 1870, November

Keen blue eyes watch the way his mate moves. The way his graceful body moves in the shadowed day, the way his feet always land on the ground and the way he has his eyes out for any sort of danger. Almost as if he's used to this. "Sir, should we step in before the brat kills the whole regiment?" Oluo howled, his big fat lips smacking together as he talks. The blond man visibly cringed at the other man. The Beta had his gaze focused on the raven moving his way through the regiment.

"You might want too." Erwin said, he watched the way the two tone haired man move towards his Omega. Levi is stubborn sometimes--most of the time so it can be hard to predict his moods. Sometimes he is absoultley loving and cuddly others he is sassy and bossy. He supposes today is the second. His mate was a difficult person to read especially in this situation.

"Hey kid, slow down. Leave some of those fuckin' rats' for us too," Oluo said in a low grating voice. It startled the young Omega a little. His eyes narrow at the raven, Levi gave him his own hiss. He ignored the comment the older man gave him, "Did you hear me brat?" He growled.

"I heard you the first time Idoit," Levi mumured, he walked back to his horse. He felt his mate's eyes on him, "Win?" He asked, his eyes glimmer in the dim light of the sun. He mounted his horse and he lightly kicked his horse. The blond man sauntered his horse too the raven's side. He reached his hand out. The raven took his hand,  "I'm sorry for going ahead by myself, I won't try it again. I just feel an urge to protect you," Levi fluttered his eyelashes at the blond.

The Tanner male leaned over, he pressed his lips to the paler man's. Their noses bump together playfully, everything slowed around them. Almost forgetting the world around them, all's that matters is their union. Their love. A loud shout startled Erwin's horse, the horse took off running and the raven was giggling the whole time. "Sir!" A loud shout can be heard, someone grabs Erwin's horse before his horse took off.

Levi led the regiment further into the forest, avoiding the corpses' of the dead soldiers'. His eyes stare at their horrified eyes, he quickly shakes the grim picture from his mind. He saw Mike practically holding his mate on the ground. He bit back a growl, "Erwin, are you alright?" He quickly dismounted his horse. The raven shoved Mike off of his Alpha with a territorial growl.

"Hush," A small tug on his arm and he fell face first into Erwin's chest. "I'm fine, Lee," The blond said, his breath tickled Levi's hair. A sudden breeze passed them by, their hair becoming mussed in the process..

"Captain and Your Majesty we should get back to camp before it starts storming," Mike said strictly, Levi supposes Hange is awaiting their arrival. The mental woman has his heat suppressants that way he has something to keep him from his heat. He hates going through it, always a pain in the ass. Levi quickly shuffled away from the beautiful blond man and he walked past Mike with a glare.

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