Chapter 28: His Birthday

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A black haired teenager stepped into his bathroom

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A black haired teenager stepped into his bathroom. He took in his appearance, he had on foundation and his earrings in his ears. He smiled at himself, his pearly white teeth smelt of the sea toothpaste he used. With a satisfied hum, he walked back to the bedroom. He saw his mate still asleep in their bed. He sighed, the man had a long day ahead of him. For starters today is the males actual birthday, he is turning 20 while Levi is still 18. The raven hates that his Alpha is older then him, "Young Master," A voice startles him, that's the other thing. The maids of this castle called him Young Master or my lord. It was endearing.

"What?" Levi asked peeking his head out of the door, he was dressed in a simple white button up tucked into a pair of cream pants and a light yellow vest. He had a pair of earrings in his ears and his eyes watched the maid.

"I'm sorry my lord, but I need to clean the room. I was instructed by my boss to clean," The woman said, she looked at him and Levi sighed. He looked back at his mate, he supposes he should wake his Alpha before he oversleeps. "I can wait, also I'm supposed to let you know that breakfast is ready," Levi nodded, he walked over to his Alpha's side. He ran his nimble fingers across the blond's tusled hair, he pressed a kiss to his temple.

The maid smiled at the mated pair, she went to work with cleaning the floor. Erwin woke up after a few more of the Omega's menstruations and he woke up. "Good morning sunshine," Erwin sat up and he nuzzled Levi's mating mark. "Oh, good morning Krista," The woman smiled at him kindly, Levi tugged the Alpha into the bathroom. He helped the older man with his hair while the blond shaved his facial hair. This usually was their morning routine.

"It's your birthday today Win," Levi chriped, a smile graced his lips while he gelled the Alpha's hair back.

The blond grunted, "That's the problem, I don't want it to be my birthday sweet bird. I always hated my birthday, it reminded me of when my Father died," The blond said, Levi frowned, he stroked the blond's cheeks.

"I know," Levi's grey blue eyes stare into his bright blue ones. "But you have me to celebrate it with. I had the cooks make your favorite dish, so come on and smile. I hate seeing you so depressed," The raven frowned, he was pulled into a kiss. Their lips move together gently, Erwin pulled his boyfriend into the kiss gingerly. Levi wrapped his legs around the man and their lips keep touching. Then they pull away. "I'm hungry." So Erwin changed and he then proceeded to walk downstairs with Levi in tow.

The table was set with dishes prepared by the cooks. Hange and Mike were both sitting at the table, both stuffing their faces full of food. Levi growled at the brunette when he saw the woman making a mess, "Dude, can you not smother all over my lunch?" Erwin looked at Hange with an annoyed look. He sat beside his friend Mike who was eating a sandwich with lots of mayo. He had a cup of tea sitting beside him. Levi decided to be a jerk and make Hange move over one so he can feed his birthday Alpha.

"Mmhgh," Hange groaned, all of them finished eating and were stuffed full. The tiny Omega was sitting beside Erwin on the futon. The blond was opening his presents from the townspeople that had dropped things off at the castle. "I miss Petra, I mean you two are so lovey dovey it makes me miss my mate," The brunette shoved her present forward. They ended up opening presents and then falling asleep. Levi on Erwin's chest and Mike and Hange snoring loudly.

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