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This chapter is dedicated to appreciatecake because her comments inspired me and made me smile, thank you for all the support! <3 

Chapter 15

"I swear he was very shy. The first time I talked to him, he couldn't even utter a single word properly without stuttering." He chuckled. "And he couldn't meet my gaze. He was looking at anything, except for me. So cute." Calum finished, ruffling Luke's hair.

"Stoooop!" Luke giggled and grabbed hold of Calum's hand to take it away from his hair.

"And that's very much it." Calum smiled at the camera.

"Okay, the last question is from @insertnamehere, what's your favorite moment of each other?" Luke gave a tight-lipped smile with a soft 'hmmm' before looking at Calum who is also deep in thought.

"Can I go first?" He asked.

"Sure, go ahead." Luke smiled.

"Okay, there are a lot of my favorite moments with Luke and I can't pick one so I'm just gonna answer with the most recent one that happened." Calum paused and looked at Luke. "They probably know this because hell, a lot of our fans captured that moment."

"Which one, Cal? We both know we have a lot of moments. Especially on stage!" Luke laughed.

"So, my favorite moment of Luke was when he invited me into his arms and hugged me and gave me a kiss as I buried my head into his neck. On. Stage." He said with a huge grin.

Luke squealed.

"Yeah, I remember that!" He laughed.

"I swear the fans got crazy."

"You're right."

"There was even this video I saw on youtube, it was the same scene over and over but with different angles." Calum laughed as Luke's eyes widened in surprise.

"Seriously? I didn't know! You didn't tell me!" Luke pouted.

"I thought you already knew, babe, it was all over twitter and youtube!" Calum chuckled.

"Well, I didn't." Luke frowned.

"Don't worry, I got it saved on my phone. We'll watch it later, okay?" Calum leaned close to kiss him on the lips.

"Okay." Luke grinned in return.


hey, go read my other cake fanfics, too. They need your attention! :D share them to fellow cake shippers, too, please? my motivation to write depends on the number of reads, votes and your comments. :D

btw, i'm in the middle of writing a Calum Fanfic, will you read it?

i love you all!


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