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The weekend entered once again, giving the students another two days of rest or productivity, whichever they choose.

Tzuyu woke up before sunrise just to visit Mina who was obviously asleep, waking the penguin up when she knocked on the door.

"Hi!" said Tzuyu, greeting the ever so lazy Mina who smiled sheepishly before making way for Tzuyu to enter, "Sorry to bother you so early in the morning."

"It's fine, what brings you here so early by the way?" Mina asked followed by a small yawn and went to the fridge to drink a glass of fresh milk.

Her visitor went straight to the messy bed and lied down comfortably as id it was hers, "Nothing. I want to sleep in your room if you don't mind. I love your presence beside me."

Mina almost choked on her drink but thankfully she ended up gulping huge chunks instead. Which kind of hurt her throat a bit. When she finished, she said with her hoarse voice, "Okay then."

She followed Tzuyu who was lying on the bed comfortably, facing the ceiling. It was dead quiet and Tzuyu remembered something,



"I'm leaving later," she said that made Mina's mood a bit down, "My dad is visiting here for a meeting and I need to be home to at least greet him."

Her crush turned to her side, looking at her with loving eyes, "It's okay Tzuyu. I understand."

Feeling a bit bad, she said with huge smile on her face, "And I'm bringing you with me."

At that second, Mina's heart began to stammer in her chest from anxiety. Meeting with her whole family seemed so embarrassing for some reason. Tzuyu noticed the sudden change of Mina's expression that made her ask, "Are you okay? Don't be so nervous about it. Dad is really chill. You've met mom and Kris already so that's no biggie."

Sure, no biggie...

In a short time, Tzuyu fell asleep beside Mina who was wide awake from being nervous. She is that of an awkward person.

But the feeling of Tzuyu right beside her sleeping soundly while holding her hand made her relax a bit, comforting her.

Mina's POV:

Tzuyu's presence beside me made me feel so relaxed. It's just that I feel so protected and assured.

God, why do I like a princess? An a really popular one?

This is wrecking my head and heart into pieces. I felt Tzuyu begin to wiggle on my right, putting herself into a much comfortable position facing me. Feeling her warm fresh breath on my right cheek that made my heart flutter.

Slowly, I looked back at the sleeping princess and smiled. I guess she's really tired.

I have to sleep as well but I obviously couldn't So I reached for my phone on the nightstand and someone sent me a message on that exact second.

Mina! It's Kris hehehehe

I told Tzuyu that she needs to come home later in the afternoon. Can you remind her that we'll be going in a small outing as well?
Sure :3

Why didn't you text her tho?

I tried contacting her but she wasn't replying.

Oh I see...

I'll tell her when she wakes up.

Thank you so much!

BTW, you should come over soon. I heard you play video games ;)

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