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Mina was watching Teen Titans Go when someone was knocking on her door abusively. She immediately got up to answer the door and see who it was.

"Dear Jesus, you didn't tell me that Tzuyu was nice to you." Suzy blurted out and Mina was too startled to reply.

Suzy went inside and Mina closed the door shut and then followed the latter who sat on her bed comfortably, "What's wrong?"

"Tzuyu is one hell of a babe"

Mina's POV:

Babe? What am I supposed to say about that?


"Look, Tzuyu's the big deal here and you just won the damn lotto Mina," She said in joy as if it's actually important. I don't understand why...

"So?" I replied.

"You guys friends?"

"I don't know, we just introduced each other, no big deal Suzy. And take note, you're also popular unlike me." I said and she grinned, "What?"

Suzy suddenly hugged me and said, "Aww, you're popular too don't worry."

"No, I'm not"

"Not yet, but you'll never know Minari~"

I have no absolute idea of what she's saying but I'll let it pass just to get over it.

"So what are you here for exactly?" I asked while cleaning up my desk. She hummed for a few seconds and then replied,

"Sana told me your place was hella comfortable. I guess she's right"

"Oh okay"

Her watch then beeped, "Okay bish, I gotta go to our practice. See you around!"

Suzy then disappeared in thin air.

Or maybe I was not paying attention.

Why'd she even sit on my bed when she's gonna leave right away?

Right, I have to attend my group's practice as well. So I left my room and walked to our said meeting place.

Seems like other groups are also around doing their projects as well.

"One... Two... Three.... And.... Damn it Dokyeom, keep up!" Said our leader while carefully doing the steps for our Health Class.

Zumba is freaking fun.

I hope you take note of the sarcastic tone I put there.

I wiped off the sweat with my clean face towel while fanning myself using my shirt. It's a freaking hot day and I can't help but look miserable.

Some guys even began looking at me for some reason. I really look like crap right now do I?

I was about to fix my messy hair when our leader played the music and we began to practice. There was never even a water break.

Well... We did but we can't even sit on the freshly watered grass, or maybe they're just sweating as well because of the extreme weather condition.

One of my male group mates was pantng heavily while on his knees and requested, "Can't we at least get some shade for a minute or two?"

Jooheon chuckled and replied, "No pain no gain man. Keep up. You also Jeonghan. We practice first, girls get to rest and then they're next."

The boys groaned and us girls happily marched our way towards one of the biggest trees around that gave some nice shade. The breeze exactly arrived while we were resting and I don't want to stand up and dance any longer.

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