'Huh? What is this? A new move!' Hanami shouted. The crowds gasped. 'Go, Repetition Launch!'

On the first strike, Kyo's bey was knocked out.

'That's one point for the Beigoma Academy Bey Club with a ring-out finish!' the referee announced. I smiled and walked back down.

'(y/n)! (y/n)! (y/n)! That was so amazing!' Valt said happily, wearing a dreamy look on his face. 'Repetition Launch, you say? I can't wait to battle you now!'

'Yes, but remember it's still the team battles,' I reminded him. 'Daigo, you're up now.'

Daigo simply nodded and walked up to the stage.

'And Rideout goes with their captain; Gabe Brunai!'

'Daigo...you better watch out for his Swing Counter!' Valt yelled, next to me.

'Yea, alright!' a voice said from the crowd, clear above all the other applauds. It was Ryota, Daig's little brother with Ken. 'You got this big bro!' He turned to face Ken. 'And now...it's...INVINCIBILITY LASER!'

I giggled as they both held up their puppets. Sometimes I wish I had a little sibling. Daigo smiled and turned back to face the battle.

'Second battle! Ready? Set! 3 2 1!'

Suddenly, Gabe pulled his launcher up, changing his stance ever so slightly and quickly, so Daigo didn't notice. 

'Let it rip!'

This time, instead of going to the middle Gaianon was circling around the stadium. Daigo went with a flat launch instead of Quake Launch, clearly hoping to avoid to Swing Counter, but it didn't work.

'He's onto him!' Shu realized.

'Thought I'd use the same move twice?' smirked Gabe. Gaianon was closing in on Doomscizor from behind...and collided with it, pushing Doomscizor even further. It geared up for another strike, but this time Gaianon missed. And missed. Again and again. Doomscizor's going to run out of stamina, I thought.

'Time to go on the offensive! Now!' Daigo shouted. A fiery, royal purple engulfed Daigo, and the Grim Reaper, Doomscizor, appeared, running along with Doomscizor. It hit Gaianon multiple times, but it didn't do much, or any, damage. 'Huh? No way!'

'Now, Gaianon!'

It was Gabe's turn to activate his aura. Orange flames surrounded Gabe, and a grey lava monster appeared next to Gaianon. 'Knock it outta there! Swing Counter!'

The axis of Gaianon's tip changed, and it swung around and charged towards Doomscizor. Both beys were knocked away, slowing down. In the end, Doomscizor was the one to stop first.

'That's Giga Gaianon with a survivor finish! Rideout gets one point! One-all!'

Daigo silently walked down towards us. He trembled. 'Guys...I'm sorry...'

'If a someone loses a point, their teammates get it back,' a voice from behind me said. I turned around and was shocked to see Wakiya being genuinely nice. 'That's what teams are for, after all. You said that, remember?'

'Hey Daigo! It's not over till it's over!' Ryote yelled from the crowd. Daigo smiled.

'I guess so,' he murmured, but he was still smiling. 'Anyway, Shu you're up next.'

'Right,' he nodded, heading off. I ran towards him. 

'Make me proud, Red Eye,' I whispered into his ear, hugging him. 

'I will,' he whispered back. 'Hold this for me.'

He walked confidently up onto the stage, facing Rideout's next opponent. I was left confused at what the object I was holding was. His glove? I wondered. Why would he give me his right hand glove? Unless...

'It's Rideout's wise guy, Shinki Mikuni!' Hanami declared. 'Versus Shu Kurenai from the Beigoma Academy Bey Club! Word on the street is that Shu had injured his shoulder! Guess we'll find out soon enough.'

'I'm guessing it was more than a rumor,' smirked Shinki. 'But don't think I'll go easy on ya! I'll crush to pieces! Just like Lui did!'

Shu's eyes widened at the remark. I felt myself heating up and walking up onto the stage.

'Oh no you don't!' Valt and I shouted simultaneously. 'Someone hold me back!'

I was about to reach the arena, when Honcho's arms grabbed mine.

'Oi! Shu can handle his own battles,' Honcho yelled. I reluctantly walked away from the stadium with Valt.

'Third battle!'

'Wait a sec...'Shinki trailed off, realizing something. 'Where are your gloves?'

'Plot twist! Mega plot twist!' Hanami yelled. 'Shu Kurenai is preparing to launch with his non-dominant hand. Unbelievable!'

'No way,' gaped Valt. I smiled. Go get em, Shu.

'Ready? Set!'

'3 2 1! Let it rip!' 

Spryzen was launched into the stadium much more smoother and accurate than usual, gliding around it's opponent.

'Wow! Amazing! A smooth left-handed launch with no bounce!' Hanami shouted.

'I can't believe he had that technique up his sleeve the hold time!' Shinki gasped. 'Whatever! Won't stop me from crushing him!'

The beys kept on clashing ferociously.

'Okay Spryzen! Counter Break!'

Spryzen changed directions and charged towards the opposition, bursting it with a fierce strike.

'Storm Spryzen! Two points with a burst finish!'

'So proud of you Shu!' I yelled happily. 'Love you!'

'Shu Kurenai wins with an unexpected left hand launch!' Hanami announced. Shinki slide down on the stage.

'Impossible. Victory was well within my grasp!'

'You're an embarrassment! Get off the stage!'

I looked up at that familiar voice, and found myself looking at the one and only Lui Shirosagi.


Sorry for posting a bit later, had to do a bit more revision for a test! Tests suck, and this one is a math one. Well, here is your chapter and you don't have to here anymore about my boring life. Bye!



Word count: 1421

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