Chapter 17- Fitz's P.O.V (part 2)

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The others mumurmed their agreement, when James walked a few steps ahead and knocked on a door.

Inside a kind voice said, "one minute, I have to take the cookies out of the oven!"

James' smile grew as wide as a banana.

"Yep, that's definitely Aunt Sally, you guys are in for the time of your life," he said, already getting excited about having a cookie.

The door opened a few moments later, and a woman with brown curly hair and grey streaks motioned for the troop to come on in. She had a kitchen towel draped over her shoulder.

"James, I haven't seen you in ages! How are the siblings?" She asked him while giving him a bear hug.
"Annoying as ever," James replied once she released him from her grip.

"I see you have some... Friends," Sally said through a smile.

"Um-- yes. Aunt Sally, this is Dex Dizznee, Keefe Sencen, Sophie Foster, Fitz Vacker, and Biana Vacker," James informed, pointing to each of them after he said the names.
"It's nice to meet you," she said, giving us each a handshake. She then turned to James with an eyebrow raised. "Are they special, too?"

James shook his head ever so slightly.

When Sally looked at Sophie, her eyes narrowed, making Sophie a little shy.

"You remind me of someone..." she whispered, but dismissed the thought and excused herself. She walked over into the kitchen, and a few seconds later she came back with a plate full of blue chocolate chip cookies.

James was practically salivating.

Everyone took a cookie, except for Keefe and James-- they both took two.

Keefe, right away, shoved one of the cookies in his mouth entirely. "SWEET MOTHER OF MALLOWMELT I AM IN LITERAL HEAVEN RIGHT NOW!" Keefe screeched with mouth full of blue cookie.

I took a small, delicate, bite of the cookie and realized it's a better idea to just eat it whole. I shoved it in my mouth as fast as elvinly possible.

Laughter went around the room.
Sally was looking at Sophie, when I decided to speak.
"We are here because we have a few questions," I said, realizing my voice had a heavier accent then normal since I have been speaking English.

"Oh? How so?" She asked, grabbing a cookie for herself.

"Do you know where Uncle Percy and Aunt Annie live now?" James spoke up, biting into his cookie making a face of pure bliss.

"They live on Long Island, about two miles from the camp. Are you going to visit them?" She asked.

James nodded and asked for the address.

"657 Lover's Ave, Long Island NY." She replied, reciting it from memory.

"It sounds like Grandma Aphrodite made that street name," James said, making his Aunt Sally laugh. "It totally does."

All of us elves were totally confused, but Sophie narrowed her eyes for some reason.

"Any other questions?"

"I would like 70 cookies to go please," Keefe said. I wasn't entirely sure if he was serious or joking.

"I only made three dozen." Sally replied looking crestfallen as if she was sad that she didn't make 70 cookies.

"That'll do," Keefe assured her.

"Can I have the recipe as well?" Dex asked and Sally nodded as she wrote the recipe down on a piece of paper.

"It was really nice meeting you, Miss Sally, but we really should go," Sophie spoke up, not wanting to waste time on their expedition.

"Alright. It was nice meeting you, Sophie," Sally said to her with a smile, causing Sophie to smile back.

We all said our farewells and I had to drag Keefe away from the cookies. Sally handed him a paper bag filled to the brim with blue cookies. His smile right then could've outshone the sun.

We returned the wrong room key to the muscle dude, who was too busy listening to the music from his ear buds (which we could hear from the other side of the room) to pay us any mind. As we left the building, a knowing smirk grew on James' face and he bit into a cookie.

"I told you they were the best."

A/N There's the rest of the chapter! Comment your thoughts :)

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