Chapter 5- Fitz's P.O.V

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A/N TA-DA! Another chappy :D Apologies if you guys didn't enjoy it. But I hope you guys do!

    I followed Sophie back into Havenfield's home with everyone else. "But how?" Tam asked.

"I don't know. But I have to meet my biological parents, they didn't even know I am alive! And they didn't know that Mr. Forkle implanted me." Sophie said, which meant that they really weren't part of Project Moonlark- at least, they didn't realize it.

"Well- let's look back on the memories and hints of clues on where to find them." Dex said. I nodded as we arrived in the living room. "Ok, so we know what they look like. And the address, do you think it's their home address?" I asked.

"It makes sense." Sophie replied.

"Ok, lets hope they didn't move." Sophie said uneasily.

"Right, but we have another issue to focus on. How do we get there? We have pendants, families, and we'd have to visit the forbidden cities." Tam pointed out. "We'd have to go secretly." Linh whispered.

"But they would find out. We have to tell at least Alden and Della." Sophie said. I nodded in agreement. "I'll hail Mom and Dad." I told them and reached for my imparter. I quickly told my parents to come to Havenfield. "Wait- what about Grady and Edaline?" Dex asked. "They won't like to hear you left without telling them."

"I know... But I can't tell them. I don't want to hurt their feelings or anything." Sophie replied.

"Wait- where are they anyhow?" Dex asked.

"Grady is on a mission for the Council currently, and Edaline is at the Sanctuary." Sophie replied as she got up to pace back and forth. "We'll need a lot of supplies before we go..." She added thinking out loud. She opened her mouth to say something else, but Mom and Dad appeared outside of Havenfield. We all rushed outside to go ask them- well, if we're being honest, probably begging more than asking...

"What is it children?" Alden asked as he and Della walked towards them. Sophie stepped forward. "I-I-I know who my biological parents are."

"You know? But how?" He asked, his face full of surprise.

"Granite gave me Mr. Forkle's cache, and the memories showed my biological parents." She explained.

"I don't think I like where this is going." Della jumped in.

"I want to find my parents." She said determined.

"Sophie, you know that I cannot allow this-"

"Please, I need to know." Sophie said, her face pinching in emotions. I felt sympathy towards her. She never asked to be part of Project Moonlark, nor never to know her biological parents. Alden ran a long and loud sigh. "Can I see this cache?" He asked. Sophie nodded and handed it to my Dad. He watched the memories in silence, then handed it back to Sophie.

"Under one condition, nobody shall find out about this." Sophie's face lit up in excitement. "Come to Everglen tomorrow, then we shall discuss further issues." He informed them as he grabbed his Pathfinder, Biana and I walked over to our parents.

"Oh, and Sophie, I don't think you should tell Grady and Edaline. Don't worry, I will take care of them." He said through a sad smile as we leaped back home.

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