Chapter 8- Fit'z P.O.V. (3rd person)

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A/N A CHAPTER!! I updated! Wow. Anyhow- I just wanted to remind you guys that these chapters are NOT edited- some may be quickly edited, but not well done. I apologize of that. Also- in my Author's Note, I said I won't be able to update much. Which is true, but I had time today so I took advantage of that. I'll update my other stories either today or this week before my vacation. Enough chat chat- enjoy the story!

Everyone arrived in the middle of a human city. Fitz suddenly felt human thoughts blaring into his head. Fitz's hands darted to his forehead as he quickly blocked the thoughts. Fitz glanced at Sophie and he saw her doing the same thing. This reminded Fitz of when they first met- man was that a crazy day. He quickly looked away from Sophie as she spotted him glancing at her. Fitz transmitted to Sophie asking:

Where are we?

I think we are in Manhattan.

Is this where we will find them?

I hope so.

Her voice then went silent as she took in her surroundings. Fitz also looked around, and to be stunned by the amount of people. Humans walked quickly by with these devices up to their ears- or as he recalled, they were called phones. The tall structural buildings reached up towards the cloudy sky, looking sturdy. But of course, they will never be as good as the ones in Eternila. Sophie turned towards us. "The sky is darkening, I think it may rain soon."

"Where should we head first?" Biana questioned as she saw a group of boys staring at her. "Well somewhere where we won't be too noticeable." Sophie said realizing the staring boys at Biana.

"We forgot the obscurers." Fitz murmured facepalming himself.

"I knew we were forgetting something." Sophie said sighing.

"I bet I can make one with that giant leaf." Dex suggested.

"Not enough time, unfortunately." She replied looking at the sky. A girl walked over to them, not moving her eyes off of Keefe. "Wow." She said. She had long dirty blond hair, and a bunch of makeup on. "Nice hair." She said blushing. Keefe smirked and mussed with his hair. "I know."

"OMG PHOEBE! HE'S SUCH A FLIRT!" The girl yelled behind her. A girl with dyed pink hair ran up to her. "Omg you are totes right! He's sooo cute!" The girls walked up to Keefe. "Can we get your phone number? You know... Maybe we can go out sometime." She said Phoebe said fluttering her eyes. Keefe smirked, but it faltered when he realized he didn't know what a phone was. "Sorry, but he's mine." Biana said coming to the rescue. You could tell she was acting, but deep in her eyes, she didn't mind it. The girls gasped right as the boys behind them sighed and trudged away. "Well let's let the hottie choose. You, me, or Phoebe." The blondie said glaring at Biana. "Woah woah woah. I'm sorry, but she's right. I'm taken." The girls huffed away with anger. "Nice going Biana." Sophie said sighing with relief. Biana smiled, "No problem."

"Come on, let's get moving before any other people start flirting with you two." Sophie said glaring at Biana and Keefe playfully. "Sorry. We couldn't help being that awesome." Keefe said smirking as he ran his hand through his hair.
Where to?" Fitz asked as they started walking. "376 Baker's St. Manhattan New York." She replied.

"Already? Do you know where you are going?" Fitz asked.

"No." Sophie admitted.

"Sophieeee I'm hungry." Keefe whined.

Sophie sighed. "Let's stop at a cafe and get internet and look up the map or something."

    They arrived at a cafe called: Sunshine Cafe. Sounded nice, and there were computers in there to rent. They walked inside and went up to the counter as Sophie found the money from her backpack. "Hello, welcome to Sunshine Cafe. How may we help you?" A man said grumbling, his expression looked bored. For the name of the cafe, you'd expect nicer employee's. "We'd like to rent a computer." Sophie replied sweetly. He sighed and mumbled: "How long?"

"An hour will do."
"That's twenty five dollars, kid." Sophie handed him the money, and the guy activated the computer for them.

Sophie quickly typed in the address of 376 Baker's St. Manhattan New York.

"Umm I'm hungry." Keefe reminded.

"Oh, sorry Keefe. Here, you guys can go ahead and order something." Sophie said handing Keefe some money. Keefe, Dex, and Biana left, while Fitz stayed back. "You hungry?" He asked.

"Not really, I'm kind of anxious right now." Sophie said sighing.

"Neither am I, for the same reason." Fitz replied leaning over Sophie's shoulder to look at the computer. Images popped up of an apartment. It was pretty by human standards- with brick walls and a balcony. "That's the home." Sophie said, then gasped. "It's for sale! No wonder it popped up with images, and not a map." Sophie scrolled down a bit and found the map. "Ok so we are here..." She said pointing to where the Cafe is. "It's about forty-five minutes away by car." She said sighing. Keefe, Biana, and Dex came back with sandwiches- of course, without meat. "So when are we gonna head out?" Keefe asked. "After you finish eating. We'll have to get a taxi, then drive there."

"What time is it?" Biana asked taking a bite of her sandwich.
"About seven p.m. by human time." She replied. "Maybe we should go tomorrow, and get rest tonight." Fitz suggested.

"But do we have enough money for a hotel?"
"My dad made sure we did."

Sophie paused, thinking about that. "Ok, let's rest tonight then go tomorrow morning." Sophie printed the map then stuffed it into her backpack. "There's a hotel down the road, let's go now hopefully before it rains."

A/N Did you guys like it? Comment thoughts!

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