Chapter 6- Annabeth's P.O.V

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A/N And here's another chappy. Again- thanks @ilovepercy2 for doing this fanfiction with me. Also, go check out an awesome friend of mine- Ncc628, who currently has a Sophitz fanfiction. Enjoy the chapter!

Everyday goes by slowly.

Everyday feels like I'm drowning in tar.

Everyday I feel the sadness of my lost daughter.

It's been fourteen years since our little daughter died. Tears filled my stormy grey eyes. Percy and I decided not to tell anyone about Sophie, it was too much pain. Too much to bare, But is also meant that we had to act normal when around the rest of the seven, so that they don't catch on. We live in a gray-blue 2 story home. I'm swinging on our porch swing, back and forth letting the sea breeze whip my face. Athena doesn't bless another child, and Percy and I are too sad to try again anyway. Everyday goes by with the thought of having no kids. Everyday is sad and lonely, but thankfully I still have my Seaweed Brain. I got up from the swing and walked inside my small but cozy home. The light blue walls contrasted against the tan furniture. I trudged into the kitchen, and pulled out supplies for cookies. It became Percy and my comfort food. I added some blue food dye to the dough, then started to make balls on the tray and put it in the oven. Percy had a normal mortal job as a Marine Biologist. It suited him perfectly. The oven beeped and I took the cookie trays out. Tears filled my eyes as I imagined a little girl running towards me to take a cookie. I put the cookies on the counter as I slowly sat down in the kitchen, my head leaning against a cupboard. Tears trickled down my cheeks as the weather became cloudy. This is not how I planned my future with Percy.

    I fell asleep without realizing it- and woke to see Percy next to me. "Hey Annie, it's ok." He comforted, even though we both knew nothing was ok. I looked at his hand which had a half eaten cookie in it.

"Piper and Jason asked if we wanted to go out to eat with them. Frank, Hazel, Calypso, and Leo are also going. You probably should clean up." He said. I playfully punched him in the arm and got up to make myself look tear free. I put my hair in a ponytail and cleaned my tearstained face. I put on a nice white shirt and a long blue skirt. I came back down to see Percy in a dressier outfit- which is something you don't see very often. We walked out to the car and hopped on in, on our way to see Jason and Piper.

    We arrived at the restaurant and hopped out of the car. We walked inside and told the waitress we were the party of eight. She nodded and motioned for us to follow her. We went to the back where everyone was waiting. We all greeted each other with smiles. It's been awhile since we've seen each other. "Hey Percy, Annabeth!" Piper greeted us. We sat down after we said our greetings.

"We have a lot to catch up on." Jason said his eyes shining. Everyone agreed laughing. We all ordered our drinks when Leo leaped up from his chair, holding Calypso's hand. "We're engaged!" He said motioning to Calypso's diamond studded ring.

"Congratulations!" Percy said, which was quickly followed by everyone else. Frank shakily stood up, his face a deep red. He pulled at the collar of his shirt. "W-well-" he began, when Hazel stood up beaming.

"I'm expecting twins!" She announced. We all awed and gave them hugs.

"How far along?" Piper asked smiling. I smiled along, even though deep down I felt sad. Hazel blushed and hugged Frank with a smile planted on her face. "4 months." Now that I looked at her closely, you could tell there was a baby bump. It was pretty obvious once she pointed it out. Then Jason stood up.

"James, Charlie, and Bianca are doing great. Currently Bianca has started to like pink. Since she's two now, she's been following everything her mama does." He smiled at Piper. "Charlie is going to start preschool soon, very soon, and we're excited for him. Lastly, James has been doing great at his school." We all laughed and talked, and then our food came. We ate our food laughing along, then the night as quickly as it came and we all went home.

    I put on my pajamas silently once we got home. I climbed into bed next to Percy. "It was nice catching up with them." I said. Percy nodded in agreement. "It's been such a long time since we've talked."

"I know. I can't believe Leo and Calypso are getting married! And Hazel pregnant! It's so much to process." I said. My chest tightened at the thought of us not having any kids. A stubborn tear trickled down my cheek. Percy leaned closer and kissed me gently on my forehead in understanding. I hugged him, and he hugged me back. We slowly fell into a deep slumber.

A/N Such a sad chapter... Made me teary eyed :(

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