Chapter Eighteen

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The air hostess smiles at him as she passed him rolling her cart on the plane, he returns the smile and sips his cup of tea.

''Oh Darren, i swear this is exactly the dress i wanted to get, there are like only two of this in that boutique and it was so expensive i didn't mind selling my car for it, the details were out of this world my God, see the gold shimmerings..look at the glow on her face'' she says beside him causing him to face her.

He stares at the picture ''You would have looked ravishing with that dress''

''I know right?'' She smiles, she leans in and then kisses him lightly on his cheeks. Then she looks at him ''Do you think they would love me?''

''They would love you'' He says reassuring her

''You don't know that''

''They are family, my best friends..they would love you''

''When last did you see them? Their tastes and preferences would have changed''

He takes her face in his hands ''They would love you''

She smiles , leaning in to kiss his cheeks again ''How much longer?''

''An hour, christening don't start before 11.'' He stares at hos watch ''Hopefully if i make it there on time, i won't be leaving in a body bag''

She laughs at his comment ''She gonna kill you if you don't show up right?''

''She would bury me, i kept promising i would come see them but it's been two years, i never did, partly for selfish reasons but now...i know if i do not, it would be over between us and i can't risk that...she is like a smothering mother that one and he is a grumpy father'' He laughs, she smiles at him

''You miss them don't you?''

''Alot, can't wait to see them'' 

''Okay, phew. Hungry? I am hungry'' She turns away.

''Let me get a hostess to give you a snack, don't worry Dee..stop fidgeting as though you are going to see the parents''

She laughs ''I would have liked to see the parents''

''Yes...they would have liked to see you too'' he  rubs her arms and leans backward staring out the plane. His mind zoning into his thoughts .

Two years ago today..he left this city running away from the pain in his chest..

Two years ago today, he boarded that boat of the ship and didn't look back, got to his office, took the offer to head the finance firm out of state. Left same day , second flight and didn't bother to wait for their cruise ship to end to say a proper good bye to his friends.

Two years ago today...the ache in his heart remains.

Two years ago today, he wonders if he would ever see her again and if she would blow him away now that he had moved on.

Two years ago today...he walks back to face his demons... the pain in his chest. He hopes he never sees her again. 



''Thank you for sharing your life with me''

''Thank you for agreeing to be part of my mess''

He kisses her knuckles.


''I will kill him i swear i will kill him, i swear it'' Tonia says staring at the clock above the priest's head.

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