Chapter Two

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''Erm..excuse me?'' He repeats with a frown on his face, his eyebrow raised.

''I said i am not interested. Shu!! go away'' She places her finger back into her mouth and then takes it out again and frowns at it. Red liquid appears over the tips of her finger ''Damnit!! '' she exclaims. She forgot to remove the office pin she had in her bag when her button popped off showing white bra that had her colleague smiling at her  a little too much last Friday.

She dips her finger back into her mouth again and sucks on it, looking around for what to use to stop the bleeding. It was a nasty little poke. She had always hated to see her blood.

He raises an even higher eyebrow and takes her all in. ''Really?''

''What, i said shu!!! I don't want no man to waltz into my life acting all i-can-help-you and stuff. All liars the lot of you!!!''

''Okay Lady, i don't know what your problem is but generalizing like that is wrong'' he points out.  She scoffs.

''Like i care'' She looks at her finger again. The bleeding had stopped. She bends down to pick up her items from the floor and flinging them into her bag.

She shouldn't have come out anyways. She should have remained home, licked a bowl of ice-cream and then eat chocolates, cry some more and then sleep.

Take it one day at a time, eventually the pain would stop and she wouldn't have to feel hurt over him anymore.

But she had to listen to her friend Lucy and came out, bad choice!

She gets poked by a tiny little needle. 

A tiny?

Really today was just not her day. A broken engagement and-

Where the hell was that damn ring he gave to her anyways.?

She fishes for it.  She remembers throwing it away from her finger out of anger.  Later on she has crawled around looking for it, wore it after finding it,  then flunked it away again when she began to cry remembering that he wasn't coming back to her.

She found it again and tossed it into her bag.  She was going to mail it to her with a stinker note and tell him what a horrible, disgusting and heartless person he was.

She searches the pocket of her bag,  outside and within.

''Aha!!'' she sees it exclaiming, she picks it up and looks at it. ''For all i know it might be a cheap ring bought off the counter, because he was able to discard it as he did me as easily he would dirt. '' she speaks to herself.


He, stands there  looking at her, wondering what sort of crazy person she was. First she screams not interested as though ..infact what did she mean anyways? Now she is talking to herself?.

Yep!! Definitely crazy.

''Okay so..i would leave you to...whatever!!!'' He turns and begins to walk away.

''Hey you..wait!!!'' she gets up quickly and rushes to him, bag placed under her arm , the ring between her fingers she pushes it to his face, he leans away wondering if she was about to poke his eyes with her fingers.

''What in the world!!'' He exclaims

''Look..look, how much do you think this goes for hmm? A few thousand? A few hundreds? Less maybe, ?''

''Look lady i-''

''Look at it!!'' She dumps it in his arm as she drags his hand,  peels it open and places it in it. ''Look at it!''

Valentine BluesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant