Chapter Fourteen

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Anna pushes Daniel away and then cleans her lips, Daniel smiles rubbing his as Lucy's eyes burns in anger, she held  two glasses of wine, one for her and the other for Lucy.

''Lucy, i- it wasn't what you think'' Anna stutters ''He kissed me, he kissed me and-'' she trails off

''Oh it is exactly what she thinks, it was a beautiful kiss and we enjoyed it so if you do not mind Luce, we were having a moment before you interrupted'' He states, Lucy isn't smiling, she is staring at Anna.

She had wanted to give her space had she asked for, hoping to return with peace offering and apologize to her if she was hard on her earlier. But for the life of her, she didn't expect to come back and find her doing something as stupid as this, kissing the ex, not just the ex, the snake, the playboy who left her in pieces, who didn't care that it broke her, who used her for three years and then dumps her, on the day they were supposed to get married and marries another bimbo...and the fact that Annalisa went jelly on him was bad enough, but this was stupid, not just stupid but disappointing..and to think a fine ass man like Darren was out there sulking that her mood was bad and he was practically not enjoying the games with his friend all because he thought he did something wrong and wants to apologize to her for her state even from omitting that his ex was in town and even came to see him...yet she was here, locking tongues with Daniel, no hell nah!!

She takes steps towards them, ''Anna, i expected better from you, if you have no respect for you that is fine, but if you value relationships..i expected that you would have respected the fact that you have a man now who would have felt not just disappointed but pained to see this very bad behavior from you'' She shakes her head ''Lets go'' she thins her lips

''Who, she respect her..that dude? Come on, Anna has no feelings for him else she wouldn't be here savoring the sweetness of my lips, she isn't going anywhere, we aren't done talking and last i checked, three is a crowd'' he stops Annalisa

''Daniel, stop it, leave me alone''

''You didn't seem to bother with my tongue down your throat a second ago when you were clinging to me...come baby'' he tries to hold her

Lucy  drops the glasses of wine on a tray as a waitress passes, then she drags Anna behind her and then stands between them ''You are a rotten disgusting person who have no value for the sacred word called marriage, you have a wife, and she is here and you have no regard for her and you are here frolicking with your ex who should have had the good sense to slap you two ways to sunday if you had much as touched her. I didn't like you before but i tolerated you because my friend loved you''

''She loves me, don't put me in the past''

''Loved you Daniel, that thing she is feeling right now is stupidity for an asshole who should remained buried in her heart. You are a snake, a rotten disgusting animal and i won;t allow you come between my friend, her peace of mind and a man who obviously cares for her not one who wants to sink between her legs''

''Lucy!!'' Anna gasps

''You shut up, '' she points to her  ''I am coming for you '' she turns back to Daniel ''Do not come near her on this trip or any where you see her, if she doesn't have the good sense to shu you away, i would gladly do that for her, that is what friends are for, to stand up for one who they love and ensure they do not make thesame mistakes in their life again and you Daniel is a big mistake and you do not deserve a spot in her life, God forbid i allow it. Go be with your wife you left her for, leave her alone to enjoy her new relationship and even if she weren't dating Darren, i rather she dates a monk than go back to your sorry ass'' she turns away, 

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