Chapter Seventeen

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''What do you want Anna, i know you love him, why are you here?'' he stares at her.

''Because, i want to make things right'

''How? I mean it's all messed up, this was not the plan i had in mind for both of us, it wasn't at all''

She nods ''I know, i messed up, ..Daniel stuff''

''Yeah Daniel, whom you love''

''I cannot deny that fact, i do love him and most people aren't are strong as you are, look you are obviously over your ex i can see that but people love differently, and i am probably part of the weird ones who loves deeper and although he hurt me, i love him''

''Then why are you here, you should be telling him that Anna, not me'' he says turning away, she touches his face and then turns him to her

''I am sorry Darren, really i am and if i could go back in time to change this all i would''

He shakes his head removing her hand ''No, i wouldn't, because unlike that Natalia was saying, i have no regrets meeting you Anna, my only regret is that i should have met you when you were all healed from your pain, maybe we would have had a chance''

She sighs ''I wanted this, that's why i said yes and ...Daniel kissing me-''

''Twice!'' He thins his lips.

''Twice, '' she says sadly ''Was not planned and be realizing that i still loved him was never in the books and-'''

''Its enough Anna, lets not dwell on that, his name makes my blood boil. I am exhausted and all Anna, really i need to rest''

''But we are still talking and i want to tell you all that i told Daniel in the room and-''

''I don't want to hear it though, it doesn't change anything''

''Darren, i am trying to make things right here''

''By telling me you love your ex, how does that work actually? It doesn't.''

''But if you would just please hear me out and-''

''No Anna, i really do not-'' he pauses for a brief second, holding his chest, then he shakes his head

''What's wrong?'' 


''Okay Darren, if you would not listen to what i have to- oh dear Lord'' she breaths touching her chest too.

''You okay?'' He has a worried look on his face as he watches her.

''Wow, must be the ship, did it turn or climbed the tide? Or i just suddenly felt seasick''

Darren looks towards the window, ''Maybe, you and me both'' he says and then turns back to her.

''Look all i want to do is make things right, i am so sorry for hurting you, albeit unintentionally''

''Look it's fine Anna, really, i think all the anger and all that is gone.''

''I know we can't be the way we are anymore, but atleast we can i don't know...''

He stares at her, waiting for her to continue. 


''Can we start all over, please'' she whispers 

''Do you want to start all over to date me or start all over to be friends Anna?''

''I..friends..and we go on from there and see how it goes and...i...we were getting somewhere and ...i..we can..erm..lets just start all over Darren'' She stutters.

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