Chapter Five

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     Hello, people on the other side of the screen!  So, I'm thinking, and I need all of your help to make this decision.  I have a few questions for you guys, and answer them like, (1. 2. 3. 4.)  Ok?

1. should Ava have a past with Janson?  So that every time she walks by his dead body, she cries.  Or what would you like to see with Ava?

2.  Minho and Teresa?  Or Minho and Aris?

3.  Who do you want to see die?

4.   Would you like more songs?

  Sorry for the long intro.

  (Newt's POV)

  When I had seen Thomas' face for the first time, I froze.  Then, when he got out and started to run, I acted like everyone else.  When he fought Gally, I cheered him on when no one else did.  When he went into the forest by my request, I wanted to follow him and have a good time.  But I never did any of these things.  But now I know that Thomas feels the same way.


"Thomas?"  I asked while walking into his room.

  "What's up?"  He responded.

  "Do you like the green shirt?  Or the blue?"  If only I was able to make up my mind, this wouldn't be happening.

  "In my opinion, you'd look better with no shirt."   He came over and tried lifting my shirt.

  "No!  Don't!"  I said in a panic.

  "Why not?  We have time." Thomas said.

  "Just don't."  I had scars, bruises, and cuts I don't want him to see.  Yet.

  "Fine.  Wear the blue one.  It'll match what I'm wearing."  Thomas said in a kind of upset tone. 

  I walked out of his room and into the spare bedroom, where I had been sleeping for the past three days.  I took off the shirt that I'd had on and stared at my torso.  My father had been brutal, I had hurt myself, and I still felt useless after we found the cure.  But now that I have Tommy, I feel happy for once.

  "I hate you, father.  You don't even deserve to have that title.  But I don't remember your real name.  Even through everything I had to go through before the maze, like watching you and mum die right in front of my face, I still love who I am today."  I heard a knock on my door.

  "Are you okay in there?"  Thomas said from the other side of the door.  I pulled my shirt over my head quickly as possible.

  "Yeah, I'm fine, Tommy."

  "I love it when you call me that.  Mind if I come in?"  Thomas is trying to flirt.  Keyword: Trying.

  "Sure," I said.

  "Newt?, can I ask you something?"  Thomas asked.

  "Yeah, anything.  Why?"

   "It's just that since you've been staying here, you've been keeping secrets.  Why?"  He might have an idea of what's going on.

  "I'm not keeping secrets,"  I say.  

  "Then what's wrong?"  Thomas spoke while softly stepping towards me. 

  "It's just a new home, bed, schedule, and having you around a lot more than before is odd I guess. "  I went to grab something off the top shelf in my closet.

  "Okay, then why do you have bruises and marks on your back?"  I heard Thomas' footsteps come closer.

  "Um.  That's nothing."  He saw nothing, right?  Right?  Right.

  "No, that is something!  What is it?"  I love that Thomas is trying to help me, but I just don't need this right now.

  The door was cracked open so I went for it.  I ran out of my room and through the living room and kitchen.  As soon as I reached the door I felt a warm hand grab my shirt.

  "What are you doing?!"  He said turning me around.

  "I'm leaving!  You weren't supposed to find out."  I said, my head looking at the ground.

  "Find out what?   All I really know is that something bad happened.  Did-Did- did you get stung?  Or did a crank get out again?"  Thomas' voice was so shaky.

  "No.  It's just really hard to explain."  I said while I looked up slowly to see that Thomas was crying.

  "Just because it's hard doesn't mean you can't,"  Thomas spoke from his heart and I could definitely tell.

  "Sit down," He sat, "I remember my parents almost like they never left.  I started to remember them about the time you came into the glade.  You triggered something in my brain, and I'm pretty sure I wasn't the only one.  Gally remembered you, and so did Ben, Winston, and even Alby.  But none of them ever remembered as much as I do.  Thomas, I'm the only one who remembers their parents.  Every time think about them, I wish it was just my mum.  the day I was born my mum told me I was special, she was right.  But my dad told me I would never get anywhere.  When I turned one, my mum got me a Brit language learner.  But my dad got me a fake penny, and I'll never know why.  When I was two my dad abused me and threw empty beer bottles at me.  My mum would just watch.  She loved me but she never would sacrifice herself to save me.  I was abused by my dad for two years.  I know this is a lot to take in."  Thomas stared at me in disbelief.

  "Oh my shucking god.  I'm so sorry.  I understand I wasn't supposed to find out this way.  Your dad deserves to be locked up.  I don't know about your mom, but that seems like it would be horrible."  Thomas looked at me with sad eyes.

  "It was."  I didn't know what to say.

  "One more question,"  Thomas said.

  "What?"  I responded.

  "How come a few of those marks look like they were made weeks ago?"  Thomas said while lifting my shirt up a little.  This time I didn't really mind.

  "That's because they were.  But now I have you so it doesn't matter."  I said while leaning closer Thomas.

  "Oh?  So we have time now?"  Classic Thomas.

  "Just shut up and kiss me,"  I said.


  That day was pretty calm.  We ended up staying in and watching Breannah Quall's documentary film.  We went out to dinner where Gally worked.  They have good food, as long as you stay on Gally's good side anyway.  As long as Thomas loves me for me, then well I can love him with all my heart.


  Hello.  This was a longer one but it was definitely worth it.  Don't forget to answer the three questions at the top.  There's nothing left to say.  See you next chapter!

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