Chapter Two

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(Thomas' POV)

  I called Newt over.  All I needed was a friend.  he looked over at me then back at the ground.  

"Newt, hey.  I'm over here, to your right!"  I called Newt over once more.

  "Oh, hey I guess I didn't see you there.  So What's up Tommy?"  The way Newt spoke made me so happy inside.  Tommy was my nickname that belonged to us.  I loved it.  Almost as much as I love my family, wherever they are.

"Tommy!"  Newt yelled into my face, getting my attention.

  "Oh, sorry, gazing off into space I guess."  I was so awkward around him.  Only him.

  "So, what did you need?"  Newt asked calmly.

  "I, uh, um.  You wanna spend the night?  Guy talk, you know."  I'm so nervous around him.  I could feel myself blush.

  "Uh, It's not like I can ask my parents if I can or not.  I remember them, Tommy, I remember my mum and father.  Their names were Martha and Charlie.  My mum was hard working and she never gave up.  When she got infected by the flare and started going crazy, she sent me to WCKD.  Her last words to me were, 'You will live a full and gracious life.  You are going to live through the flare and help find a cure.  Newt, I love you.  Promise me you'll remember me and find someone who loves you and will care for you, just like I do.'  How did she know I would help find the cure, I honestly don't know.  I found love, but love hasn't found me."  Newt was so into detail that I had to cut him off.

  "I'm so sorry your mother was infected.  I wish I could have met her.  But, It's surprising that you remember your parents.  All I remember is me getting pried off of her and Ava telling me everything was going to be fine.  But, my father, no memories what so ever."  I felt horrible.

  "It's fine.  My father has no part in my life either.  He abandoned me when I was one.  I came to WCKD at five.  So not much of him."  newt was saddened, I hugged him tight so he knew I cared.  Moments later he was crying on my shoulder.

  When we got to my place it was dead silent.  The world has frozen and it was just us.  My phone was ringing for the fifth time in thirty minutes, but I didn't care.  It was Teresa and I didn't need to deal with her right now.  As Newt and I were staring into each other's eyes, I backed away.  I was in a commented relationship, with someone I didn't love.

  "can I tell you something Newt?"  I asked.

  "Yeah, of course, Tommy.  You can tell me anything."  Newt said inching closer.

  "Ok, but you have to say something in return.  Got it?"  I said sternly.

  "Got it."

  I could tell Newt was excited to tell me something but had confusion in his eyes as well.

  "I'm not in love with Teresa.  I was at first honestly, but it drifted away quickly.  I'm in love with someone else.  I don't know how to tell her either.  She nice and all but she's just not my type."  It felt so good to finally tell someone.  I didn't think it would be Newt, but things happen for a reason, it must mean something.

  "Wow.  I wasn't expecting that.  But, I have something to tell you, and you might not like me after this."  Newt was acting so shy.  He's never shy, so why is he now?

  "You can tell me anything,"  I said making sure Newt understood that I would never leave him.

  "I.I...I gotta go."  Newt left in a hurry.

  "O.O.Okay..."  What's with him?

  "Bloody hell.  Why can't I just tell him."  I heard Newt speaking under his breath.  What didn't he want to tell me?


"So am I invited to the party tonight?"  I asked Teresa.

  "You knew about it!"  Teresa freaked out.  Almost as if she wanted to hook up with someone again.

  "Yeah.  After you told me that you hooked up with Minho, people have been telling me a lot more."  I said confidently.

  "Well, you aren't going to hover over me the whole time are you?"  Teresa asked.

  "No.  I'll be mingling.  But, can I invite someone to hang out with while you spend time with your friends?"  I questioned Teresa a bit more.  With her saying yes to everything, it seems that she'll be hooking up with Ben and Minho in the guest bedroom.

  "So, who are you going to invite?"  Teresa was just wondering as she looked around, probably looking for one of her side guys.  Or am I the second dude?  Well, I don't think it matters.

  "Newt.  he's nice, doesn't drink, will stay with me, we're best friends, and I love hanging out with my best bud.  he's perfect."  I think I started to blush.  Because Teresa quickly asked, "Tom, are you Bi, gay, or just plain out weird?  You're starting to scare me a little.  I mean, you hang out with Newt more than you do with me.  IT"S NOT FAIR!"

  "Oh.  Uh... just weird.   Don't call me Tom, I honestly don't like it that much.  And Teresa, life's not fair, deal with it.."

  "Whatever.  the party is in two hours.  remember who will be there."  Teresa noted.

  "I know, Ben, Winston, Alby, Chuck, Aris, Minho, us, Newt, Vanessa, Mable, Quinn, and Gally.  Did I get them all?"  I was so confused why I needed to know who would be there.  Was there an entry code I needed to know or something?

  "You missed a few but it's ok.  See you there babe!  Bye, love you!"  Teresa said while walking to her car.  I love living alone.  But I wish I had a roomie.

   "Ok, bye," I started, "love you too!"  Then, I lied.


  I hope you enjoyed this chapter and don't forget to comment and vote!

  So, this is longer, like I said, but I have a plan.  I can't tell you of course, but chapter three might just be a little heartbreaking, but also so cute!

  From now on I'm going to make it so I'll post if I get reviews or not.

Last but not least, remember the comment!  I want your feedback!  Also, vote, and share with your friends.

                                                                                                 Your's Truely-  RaeAnn (Agent Newtmas)


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