25. I'll Surprise You

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I saw Grace every day, though. We talked a little bit here and there, but most of our conversations were at lunch. And we never got to talk much then either, because Lilah decided to take a liking to her. Nate looked rather sullen with the new situation. He was used to receiving Lilah’s full attention. Now he was acting like the previously only child when the new baby was brought home. It only seemed to get worse by the day.

We didn’t do anything more than talk either. As much fun as the other night had been, Grace wasn’t the kind of girl to be used as a toy. She was so much more than a pretty face. It wasn’t my favorite decision, but I think it was the right one.

I barely slept at all Thursday night. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw her smiling face, and it made me hyped all over again. It was almost as if the image was ingrained into my eyelids. But my lack of sleep didn’t faze me the next morning. I was ready and nothing could stand in my way. I would have had the date much earlier in the week, but Grace had to work. So, I had to suck it up and be patient.

I had thought the day was going to go slow as hell—the way things always seem to do when you’re excited about something—but that was only the case until lunch. Walking into English, I started to make my way to my usual seat next to Grace, but Nate stopped me.

“Dude, can I talk to you?”

Sending an apologetic smile to Grace, I nodded and took a seat next to him. “What’s up?”

“I can’t stop thinking about Lilah. It’s driving me crazy,” he confided.

“I know the feeling,” I replied while looking at Grace. She was already wrapped up in a book. My lips curved slightly at the image.

“No, Grey. This is different. I don’t think she likes me anymore.” I turned my eyes towards him. There were dark bags under his green eyes; his black hair was untidy.

“Dude, really? Lilah has liked you forever. All of us knew it, and I told you that countless times. But you never did anything about. Honestly, I wouldn’t blame her if she is finally moving on. Now’s your last chance. Grow some balls, and do something about it.” My words may have been slightly harsh, but they needed to be said. His hesitation to ask Lilah out had gone on long enough. The girl was obviously head over heels for him, but he still didn’t do anything.

Nate didn’t respond at all and just stared off into space. We spent the rest of class in an awkward silence. I did actually pay attention for once, though.

My next few classes dragged on, and it was with a sense of relief I sat down at the lunch table. Lilah was already chattering away to Grace. I tuned them out after I heard the word “shoe.” Nate was silently staring at his plate of food.

Sterling hadn’t arrived yet, so I had Bren to myself for once. Her blonde hair was pulled back into a messy bun, and she was wearing what looked to be one of Sterling’s sweatshirts and jeans. I noticed her ankle was still encased in the boot.

“Grey.” She leaned over and hugged me lightly. “I feel like we haven’t talked in forever!”

“We haven’t really. You haven’t been at my house at all this week.”

“I know. My dad’s new rules suck.” Her frown turned into a grin. “But you’re having your date tonight, right?”

I nodded.

“How about we get together tomorrow, and you can tell me all about it?” Her sapphire eyes were twinkling.

“Sounds like a plan.” I grinned as well. It may be a bit of a girly thing to do to talk about my date, but it was a chance to spend with Bren. Despite the many changes recently, she was still my best friend.

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