29. Hell Yes

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Chapter 29: Hell Yes

Greyson's Point of View

The kitchen was pretty crowded with all of us in there. Carson was keeping his sister distracted, but the rest of us were packed in next to each other elbow-to-elbow at the small wooden table. Poor Grace had to sit on the end next to Mr. Shaw; I at least got the end with Mrs. Jones. Bren was situated in between me and Sterling, and her sapphire eyes revealed the multitude of emotions flashing through her mind.

Mr. Shaw looked mad like he always did, but there was more to it now. I wasn’t sure if it was always there, and I just never noticed or if it was completely new. But underneath that layer of anger, was raw concern. He didn’t look intimidating; he looked older and simply tired.

We all sat there for a few minutes, an eerie silence surrounded us, but no one broke it. I watched as Bren shifted in her seat, and my brother squeezed her hand behind the security of the table. Mr. Shaw rubbed a hand over his face, took a deep breath and finally spoke.

“I’m sorry if I overreacted and told you to leave, Brennan, but you can’t continue with this blatant disrespect for the rules you’ve developed lately. I can’t even trust you home long enough to go grocery shopping.”

“I overreacted too, Dad. I’m sorry.” Bren’s face softened. “And honestly, I had no idea Sterling was going to come over. I had a fight with Grey, and he just wanted to make sure I was okay. Then things got a little…uh…Anyway, I know it was wrong to have Sterling over when I did and that it broke the rules and all, but I also think you make it way too difficult for me to spend any real time with him. He’s my boyfriend whether you want him to be or not and nothing you can do or say will change that. I’m sick of people being against me on this.”

Her father sighed; his brown eyes firmly focused on his fidgeting hands. “This isn’t easy for me.” He locked eyes with Bren. “My little girl is growing up—which is something I’ve been trying to deny to myself for too long. I wish I would have realized it some other way besides this morning…In fact, let’s forget this morning ever happened. Seriously, let’s never bring it up again.”

Bren laughed lightly, and the corners of Mr. Shaw’s lips curved up. Francine placed a hand on his shoulder, a small smile on her lips as well.

“On a more serious note, I’m willing to trust you more. You are getting older, and I have to let you make your own decisions whether I agree with those or not. I still don’t want you at each other’s houses unless a parent is home, but I’ll trust you when you say someone is. I also won’t check on you as much when you’re here together.”

“Really?” Bren’s voice was barely more than a whisper, but her eyes wide, and her grin stretched from ear-to-ear. Sterling was wearing an identical expression.

“Yes, really.” Mr. Shaw chuckled before his face sobered once more. “However, if I find out you guys have broken that trust, there’ll be some serious hell to pay. Do I make myself clear?”

“Definitely, sir.” Sterling looked like he was about to bound from his chair with happiness, but he remained seated, instead choosing to squeeze Bren’s hand once more.

Although, she did leap from her seat to run around the table and give her father a hug. His face warmed as he wrapped his arms around his daughter, and he didn’t look tired at all. He looked young once more, rejuvenated.

I looked across the table at Grace, and she had an odd look in her brown eyes. When she noticed me staring, she smiled, brushing her curls away from her face. I returned the smile before returning my gaze back to everyone else in the kitchen. They had all stood up from their chairs, so I followed suit. Mr. Shaw and his fiancée walked over to Sterling and Bren. For the first time in my life, in my sixteen years of existence, I saw Mr. Shaw smile at my brother as he shook his hand. Sterling must have been just as surprised as I was because it took him a second to respond; it was almost like he was frozen with shock. Bren smiled at their little exchange and wrapped her arms around Sterling’s waist in a side-hug.

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