4. Time to Stop Running

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Chapter 4: Time to Stop Running

Sterling’s Point of View


I looked around my room and flashed back to the way it looked two years ago. My flat screen TV mounted on the wall, replaced the big wooden TV stand that used to host my old, large box TV. The carpet was the same off-white color it had always been. In fact, you could still see the faded paint stains from when I was little kid. My black leather recliner positioned in the corner of my room, replaced the old bean bag chairs that used to reside there. I smirked when I thought of all the fun I had on those chairs. The now grey walls used to be the color of the sky, the same color as Brennan’s eyes. That’s why I convinced my mom to redecorate my room actually. I told her that I was sick of having the room of a five year old and after enough pestering, she finally relented to remodel it. In reality, I wanted it changed because I was tired of feeling guilty for my mistakes. Those stupid sky blue walls reminded me of Brennan and the look in her eyes when I hurt her.

It’s time for me to stop living in the past though. I can’t keep obsessing about a girl, even if she is a pretty special one. Besides she obviously hates the very fiber of my being and will probably never forgive me. I don’t know if I will be able to move on though. I’ve been trying to for the past two years; dating an endless string of girls and not one of them even came close in comparison to Brennan. She flirted quite a bit with Carson today too on top of that. I don’t even understand what she sees in him; it’s quite obvious that he’s only interested in one thing. Then again, I was that way too. Bren has a knack of seeing through people’s facades and instead viewing them as they truly are. I guess that’s why so many people like her. I really need to get a hold of myself. I sound like a girl in a bad romance novel.

A knock interrupted my pity party.

“Come in,” I called apprehensively, chiding myself for hoping it was her.               

 Apparently, I wasn’t wrong though. Bren walked in and shut the door lightly behind her. She regarded me for a moment and then asked shakily, “Can we talk?”

“Sure, come sit down.”

She strode over and sat on the foot of the bed. I’m guessing she didn’t want to fall asleep next to me again. She played with her slender, pale hands like she always does when she’s nervous. I waited patiently for her to begin.

“Greyson made a valid point to me earlier. He said that it was time that you and I talked about, well talked about our past. I always avoided this conversation like the plague, but it’s long overdue and it’s time for me to stop running. So I’m finally willing to listen to what you have to say, if you’re still willing to talk. Sorry it took so long.”

She met her eyes with mine when she finished. I pondered all that she had to say for a moment. After two years, she was finally ready to hear me out. I don’t blame her for not wanting to talk before. I ran a hand nervously through my blond hair and then spoke.

“Don’t apologize Bren, you didn’t do anything wrong here; I was the bad guy. I know the words ‘I’m sorry’ can’t take back what I did. Nothing can, no matter how much I regret it. I was a freaking moron. Before you, I had never really been in a true relationship. I literally had girls throwing themselves at me and I took what they offered. I didn’t have any feelings for those girls; they just gave me what I wanted. You were never like them,” I found myself slightly smiling as I remembered those days. Then I continued. 

“You always were much better friends with Greyson than me, but I found myself wanting to spend time with you. I found myself blowing off those other girls just so I could kick back and watch a movie or something with you. I hadn’t even touched you and you already meant so much more to me than any of them ever could.” 

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