7. That Was Pathetic, Dude

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Chapter 7: That Was Pathetic, Dude

Greyson’s Point of View


What is with all the noise? My head hurts way too much for this! I crawled out of bed and stumbled down the stairs, still half asleep. I followed the loudness to the living room, where I found my parents and Sterling engaged in a screaming match. I can only imagine what he did now. He probably got caught sneaking a girl out of his room again.

“That isn’t fair! We didn’t even do anything! I’m sorry I forgot to tell you I was leaving, but I’m nearly eighteen years old! I shouldn’t have to tell you where I am every second of the day!” Sterling shouted; his shoulders tensed.

“Do you want to make it four weeks? We could take away your TV as well! It wasn’t just the fact that you left, you broke the rules of someone else’s household as well.  I don’t care how old you are! If you keep acting like a child, you’re going to be treated like one,” my mom snapped back.

“Are you kidding me? She was upset, and I was just trying to comfort her. What the hell is wrong with that? If it was Greyson you wouldn’t care,” he challenged. What did I have to do with anything here?

“Sterling Kyle Hayes, you need to watch your language and how you talk to your mother!” my dad growled. Sterling must really be in trouble if my dad got involved. He usually just nodded in agreement while my mom did the all yelling. 

I coughed and immediately three pairs of eyes focused on me.

“Greyson, I didn’t notice you standing there. Do you need something?” my mom said quickly.

“I was just wondering what all the shouting was about,” I said trying not to rub my pounding forehead. My parents knew I went out last night, but they didn’t know it was to a party.

“Well, that’s between Sterling, your father and I. Can you leave us alone for a while to finish talking please?” My mother informed me briskly.

I refrained from pointing out that they weren’t ‘talking’ as my mother put it. Instead, I turned around and began heading back to my room when I heard my mom call out, “There’s aspirin in the kitchen if you need it to get over that hangover you’re trying to hide.”

I froze in shock for a moment. How did she know where I was last night? I came home when everyone was sleeping. “Alright thanks,” I said sheepishly and made a detour back through the living room to get to the kitchen.

“Oh and we will be talking about that in a little bit, Grey,” she added with crossed arms.

I should have known better than to think I was off the hook. I walked into the kitchen and took the aspirin that my mom so conveniently left on the counter for me. I strolled back through the silent living room, and headed to my room to sleep a while longer. Unfortunately, that didn’t happen. As soon as it was finally quiet enough for me to drift off, my mom called for me to come downstairs.

I slowly made my way to the living room to speak with her. My mom is horrible to deal with when you’re in trouble, but she’s even worse when she’s in a bad mood already. After her little ordeal with Sterling this morning, I doubt she was going to be anything but cranky.

I finally made it back to the living room. I sat down on the couch, as was custom to these events, and looked at my parents, patiently waiting for them to begin.

“Most important things first, how did you get home last night Greyson?” my mom asked with a sharp look in her velvety brown eyes.

“Mom, you know I wouldn’t drink and drive! I’m not stupid, okay? I got a ride home from Nate. He didn’t drink at all because he had to work today,” I replied with a serious look. Did she really think I would do that?

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