11. The Most Awkward Car Ride Ever

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Chapter 11: The Most Awkward Car Ride Ever

Greyson’s Point of View

I watched Bren run out of the lunchroom and Sterling follow quickly after her.  I slowly turned back to the girl in front of me. I wanted to punch her, but I would never hit a girl, no matter how much she pissed me off.

“Delaney,” I said in a very controlled voice, “Don’t ever talk to me again. Don’t ever touch me again. Don’t ever kiss me again. Don’t even look at me! If you do any of these things, I will go straight to the cops and report you for stalking me. Got it?”

She just gave me a look of disbelief before turning on her heel and stomping off. I heard a low whistle from behind me. I turned to see Nate and Lilah staring at me.

“What?” I asked gruffly.

"You should have done that years ago when this all started,” Nate said.

“Shut up,” I growled as I picked up Brennan’s stuff and walked over to the cafeteria doors. I had to find her.

I had hoped I would find them right outside of the cafeteria, but of course I wasn’t lucky enough for that. I searched all over the nearby hallways and didn’t see her anywhere. My panic to find her grew with every new corner I turned. She couldn’t possibly go on thinking I had a thing with Delaney of all people. I had just told her the way I felt a couple days ago, hadn’t I? Obviously by her reaction, that meant she felt the same way, right?

I finally saw Sterling, but Brennan wasn’t with him. I didn’t even have to ask; he immediately told me where to find her. I followed his directions and found Bren just as the bell rang. When her eyes met mine, she ran over and gave me a huge hug. I really hadn’t been expecting that. What did my brother say to her? I wrapped an arm around her and held her as close to me as I could while still carrying all of her things.

“Greyson,” she said softly against my chest as people started flooding down the hallway.


“We should probably get to history now.” She looked up at me with those sapphire blue eyes. 

"Oh, yeah. We probably should,” I agreed.

I let go of her and handed over her backpack and we made our way to class. As we were walking I placed my hand experimentally on her lower back like Sterling had earlier. She gave me a confused look, but unlike with Sterling, she didn’t remove my hand. I found myself smirking at this observation.

“Greyson, how many times have I told you not to smirk?” Bren asked me once she saw the look on my face. I just grinned in response.

“I like that much better,” she commented with a matching grin.

We walked through the door of our history class and I gently led her to our normal spot in the back of the class. I set her books down on her desk and proceeded to sit in the desk besides her. I glanced over at her and I frowned when I realized the sweater she was wearing was definitely a guy’s. In fact, it looked oddly familiar, but I knew it wasn’t mine.

“Whose sweater is that?” I asked her casually.

“Oh, it’s Sterling’s,” she replied simply as she dug her notebook out of her backpack. I frowned. Why was she wearing Sterling’s sweater? 

She saw must have realized what I was thinking because she turned to face me with wide eyes. “You know that there isn’t anything going on with Sterling and I, right?”

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