19. Can I Ask You Something?

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Chapter 19: Can I Ask You Something?

Greyson's Point of View

Her warm body was no longer against mine when I woke. I sat up and climbed out of the bed. It was a bit strange for her to be awake before me, but it had happened before. I stretched and shook the dark hair out of my eyes before trotting downstairs for some food.

As I approached the kitchen, I could hear voices. On an impulse, I came to a halt out of view from the kitchen and listened.

“So, what’s going on with you and Greyson, anyway?” my mother asked. I really hoped she was talking to Sterling and not to Bren.

“Well, we discovered we’re like brother and sister. It wasn’t really what I expected, but it is what it is.”

And of course I wasn’t that lucky. My mother didn’t even know about the date. She didn’t need to either; she had a tendency to get too involved. According to her, she was simply trying to “help.” Yeah, that’s what she was doing.

“How did you find that out?”

“He didn’t tell you either?” Bren asked incredulously. “That is so like him.”

I could imagine her rolling her eyes and shaking her head, her blonde hair whipping around her face.

“Didn’t tell me what?”

“We went out on a date last Sunday. It was fun, but we realized we were just meant to be friends.”

There was a small clang. “What? My sons keep me so informed with their lives.”

Bren’s laugh carried out into the hallway. “Sorry, Mrs. Hayes. They’re boys, though. What’d you expect?”

My mother’s laugh joined hers. “You’re right on the money with that one.”

It was quiet for a moment, and I considered making an appearance, but I hesitated.

“You know,” my mother started, “I always hoped you end up with one of my sons, so you’d officially be my daughter, but it doesn’t look like that’s going to happen now.”

“Thanks, Mrs. Hayes. I really appreciate that. I’ve always viewed you as a mother to me as well,” Bren said, but I could barely hear her.

“I guess I should have known you and Grey would just be friends. And Sterling,” she paused, “I don’t know what’s wrong with him. I never thought he’d do that to you. I don’t know where he learned to teach girls that way. He surely didn’t learn it from this family.”

“I didn’t think he would either.” Bren was quiet for a moment and her voice was softer when she spoke again. “He’s not a bad guy, Mrs. Hayes. He’s really not. He just makes some stupid choices and sometimes, sometimes those choices hurt other people.”

It was silent once again. Another small clang was heard shortly followed by my mother’s voice.

“I know he’s not a bad kid, but that’s the problem. He’s not a kid anymore. He’s eighteen years old. All I can do anymore is hope that I taught him all the right things, you know?”

“You have two wonderful sons. You really don’t have to worry,” Bren reassured her.

“Yeah I do, don’t I?” my mom agreed. “Hey Brennan, can you do me a favor and go wake Sterling up? I don’t want his birthday breakfast to get cold.”


Without a moment’s hesitation, I walked casually towards the kitchen door. It was definitely not cool to be caught eavesdropping on a conversation like that. Bren was quite shocked when her body collided with mine as she rounded the corner into the hallway. She fell backwards onto her butt, her boot making a loud thud as it hit the hardwood floor.

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