24. That Thing Is Huge

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Chapter 24: That Thing Is Huge

Sterling’s Point of View

During the whole of my basketball practice, I never noticed Grey come and join the few people on the bleachers. There were always a couple people watching us, reading, doing homework, or playing on their phones because they were waiting for someone to give them a ride.

I wandered around the hallways a bit after I got changed, hoping to catch a glimpse of him. He said he was going to wait for me when we were at lunch. I didn’t want to leave him here; I’d have to be the one to come back and get him. Pulling out my phone, I called him. It rang and rang until it went to his voicemail. Well, he obviously doesn’t want a ride that badly. So, I headed out to my car and drove home.

I arrived at home and strode up the stairs to my bedroom. The hallway was dark, and I could see Grey’s light was on. He found another way home and didn’t tell me? That kind of pissed me off. Pulling open the door, I planned to see what the hell his deal was.

What I saw made me grin with brotherly pride. He was all over some girl, and she didn’t look too bad from the back. They didn’t even notice me walk in. “Sorry to interrupt.”

I started to close the door, and then it clicked. It couldn’t be. Swinging the door back open, I said, “Grace?”

Grey looked like he wanted to kill me. Grace turned to face me, her eyes widened slightly, her lips somewhat swollen. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.

“What the hell is going on?” I looked between the two of them.

Grace’s cheeks turned a faint shade of pink. “I think I’m gonna go now. I guess I’ll see you guys later.”

She didn’t meet the eyes of either of us as she grabbed her keys and headed towards the door. I moved out of her way, and Grey stood up to follow, sending me a glare. They headed downstairs, and I rubbed a hand over my face. I really hadn’t been expecting that.

I leaned against the wall by his bedroom door, waiting for him to come back inside. I wouldn’t have cared—in fact, I would have encouraged it—if it was any other girl, but this was Grace which made it completely different. He returned a few moments later, a large grin plastered over his face.

“You look proud of yourself.”

His eyes narrowed, and the smile faded. “Do you have a problem with this, Sterling?”

“I’m not sure yet. What exactly is ‘this’?” My voice was low.

“We’re going out on a date on Friday,” he answered. “We’ll see from there.”

“Grace has become a good friend to me, Grey. Just don’t do anything stupid, okay?” I said, knowing there was nothing I could do about it anyhow.

“I really like her. Besides, I’m not you.” His eyes were cold, and he shoved past me and into his room.

I stood there in the hallway, anger clawing at my insides. Then my phone rang, and it was an unknown number. I answered anyway.


“Hey, Sterling. It’s Bren. My dad took my phone away, so I had to use the house phone.” Her voice caused the anger to start fading.

“Why’d he do that?” I walked into my bedroom, shutting the door behind me.

“I told him that we were dating. He freaked out to say the least.”

I sat down on my bed and slumped against the pillow. “How long is your phone taken away for?”

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