Chapter 30

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Title: Let's Go PT1

BamBam: When are we leaving. We are gonna fight some demons this is amazing.

Minhee: I mean you can get killed so I don't think you will still find this amazing.

K: Remember we are risking our lives to protect others to prevent future war.

Amaya: So if we do die but still win we die in glory.

Luna: This is one of the first times she sounds smart. I made gonna cry in the corner.

Ruby: Let me join you.

Kai: Are they actually gonna cry?

Baekhyun: I thinks so.

DO: I don't girls always cry?

Jia: They are not gonna cry. It's just- I don't know how to explain this.

Yoongi: Anyways everyone is here?

Namjoon: Yes.

Tianna: Give me and Amaya credit for the your armor we worked hard on this. We even got Jia to add a bit of magic to it.

Amaya: By the way Jia, your armor is a bit different you have a extra magic so you can actually cast your spells while we are fighting.

Jia: Yes.

Dynamite: These new weapons are amazing. I hope the year aren't heavy for anyone. These qere the best weapons we could get here. I am suprised they didn't ask us for our ID.

Léi: Where on earth is Seeha we need to get going. We can't let her teleport us close to them or the same place as last time.

Minhee: She is upstairs making sure we have everything. 

Seeha: Ok guys I am here. And yes Léi I know that I can't teleport us too the same place. I am not stupid you know.

Léi: I never said you were.

Soonyeong: You were thinking it. 

Léi: I hate your power.

Soonyeong: I love it.

Louise: Is everyone ready we are leaving now. Seeha are you ready?

Seeha: Yes, but I can't teleport all of us at the same time. So the ones with powers have to go first because you guys know how to protect yourself. And I will come and pick up the rest of you.

Jackson: So we have to wait here? For how long?

Hoseok: It will be for like a second. It won't take long.

Jia: Anyways let's go, I still need my magic book.

Jimin: I forgot about that. So everything is here and we have everything right?

Yoongi: Yep no let's go. The quicker we gtg there the quicker we get this over with. I am already tired of this and I haven't even moved an inch.

Hoseok: When are not tired? Anyways let's go.

Seeha: You guys remembered do not look suspicious.

BamBam: Why are you guys looking at me for?

Mark: You can be stupid some times that is why.

Seeha: Anyways we need need a new place before I teleport. My old house it's not that far away from my new house. And it's also closer to the castle so it should be easier.

Yoongi: But I thought you couldn't use your powers in their.

Seeha: I can't but I did research and there is a chance for me to be able to use my powers.

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