Chapter 4

129 7 24

Title: Mission PT1

They spend all day and night planning on who is doing wht.

Namjoon: So does everyone get the plan. Are there any questions?

K: Umm isn't it better if we split up in groups so we don't look suspicious?

Hoseok: Should we go with the people we train with.

Tianna: That is a great idea Hobi.

Hoseok: HOBI??

Tianna: Nickname I came up with.

(The groups for if  you forgot)

Namjoon, Jin, Kim Louise & Tianna.
Hoseok, Yoongi, Lee Minhee & Kim K.
Jungkook, Jeon Amaya, Jeon Luna& Jeon Ruby.
Taehyung, Lee Soonyeong& Léi
Jimin, Dynamite& Park Jia.

V: Hey, I just noticed something.

Léi: And that is??

V: Luna, Amaya and Ruby you guys have the same last name.

Luna: Oooh about that we haven't told you guys this yet but we are actually triplets.

Ruby: But not identical as you can see.

Yoongi: So who is the youngest and the oldest among you three?

Amaya: I am the oldest then Ruby and Luna is the youngest.


Soonyeong: Guys I am just saying but, don't you think with the spare time we have we have to learn how to control our powers?

K: Awww look the maknae used her brain. But she is right how are we going to control this?

Jin: Well not all of your powers are difficult to control unlike Léi, Luna and Ruby's power because their powers are like natural disasters in the world.

Jimin: But a soon as you see something suspicious you will have to go and get your partner as fast as you can.

Jia: OK but who are our partners?

Yoongi: Since you guys are with 11 girls there are 4 groups of 2 and a group of 3.

Jungkook: Luna and Ruby will be partners because their powers are the opposite. (Fire&Water)

Namjoon: The group of 3 people are Tianna, K and Louise. Tianna and K are to cover ground from the floor and in the sky. Louise is there so she can see where the enemy is coming from.

V: Minhee and Amaya for if the fight happens at night,Amaya can help Minhee see where the hits come from.

Jimin: Léi and Jia for if Léi accendentily strikes someone with thunder who she isn't supposed to hit is there to heal them as quick as possible.

Hoseok: And the last group are Dynamite and Soonyeong for if they are planning something in there heads Soonyeong can read their minds and tell Dynamite to go invisible and stop them.

Jin: So that is all the groups sorted, let's get down to business.

They were practicing all day long for their first mission.


Girls POV

Tianna: Girls I know this isn't important but what are we ging to wear?

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