Chapter 16

40 4 7

Title: Tornado & Symbol PT2


Soonyeong had made contact with the energy for a split second and...
Glass scatter on the floor. Screams were heard from the girls. 

Minhee: Soonyeong are you okay?  

Soonyeong: I can't move my legs. I think they are broken.

Dynamite: We need Jia to heal her. But I think that is a problem.

Léi: Jia is still in the tornado with K and Amaya.

Tianna: We need to save them and the boys.

Ruby: Guys it's working.

Luna: The tornado is calming down.

Léi: But we can't hold it any longer.

Soonyeong: The boys. We need to stop them.

Minhee: They are not helping with calming the tornado down. They are making the girls just weaker.

Louise: We need to get the boys away.

Tianna: But how?

Léi: Anything would help. Just get them away.

Ruby: The crystals. They have the boys powers. Break the contact between them and it should help.

Léi: How are we supposed to do that. It's like they are stuck together with superglue.

Soonyeong: Minhee your the strongest. Break the crystals.

Minhee: But if it doesn't work?

Louise: Just use all the power you have and believe. You can do this Minhee.

Minhee: Ok then.

Minhee makes her way to the boys. The 8 crystals are easy to recognise they are rainbow colours. Each representing the boys. The crystals are in the centre above the tornado. But they are all still floating, but not as high as before.

Minhee: I can't reach it. They need to come more closer.

Louise: Just close your eyes and calm and try to pull them down slowly.

Minhee closed her eyes and ignored everything around her. She opened her eyes and they changed colour.

Dynamite: Why did her eyes change colour? She isn't angry is she?

Luna: No she's not she is just focussing. Let her be for now and see what will happen.

She makes her steps slowly. She stands very close to the tornado ready to jump in. But that is the only way to break the crystals. The crystals are floating right above the tornado.

Soonyeong: She needs to jump in the tornado. That is the only way.

Léi: But is dangerous.

Louise: It's only choice. Minhee jump in the tornado and try to jump up as high as you can as  soon as you enter it.

Minhee: Ok. Here I go.

Everyone was staring at the tornado as soon as she jumps in. Hope is all they had. Everyone was quite only breathing could be heard. Everyone was scared. Will they be save?

Glass scattered on the floor. But the aren't the same colours as they were before. They were all black. Black crystals.

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