Chapter 25

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Title: Almost Out Of Here

Guanlin: Ok so what is the plan?

Soonyeong: I swear we already talked about the plan.

Guanlin: Oh yeah. Can someone repeat it?

K: Seeha goes in the building by herself. She will somehow give us a signal for us to enter the back door and help them escape.

Guanlin: Aah that makes sense. But how is she gonna send us a signal.

Louise: I will try and see if I can see her from out here.

Jin: Ok so who has the weapons?

Dynamite: Me. Do you want a gun, a knife, a sword, a pocket knife.

V: How many weapons do you have?

Dynamite: I have two bags full.

Jungkook: So enough weapons for each of us?

Dynamite: Yeah.

Minhee: Can I have the biggest sword?

Luna: Give me a gun. Like the biggest gun you have.

Léi: Just give me some knifes.

Jia: I will try and use my magic. But still give me a few weapons.

Seeha: Ok guys are you all ready? I will be going now. Wish me luck.

Hoseok: Good luck.

Seeha left the rest behind. She went in with the stuff she needs. She was scared. Not even scared terrified. She doesn't know what will happend behind the doors. But went in anyways.

Hoseok: I hope she will be okay.

Yoongi: She will be. Now get packed we are moving to the back.

Namjoon: Louise you should stay at the back and Minhee at the front. Amaya stay with with Louise your strength will be needed.

Amaya: Yes sir. Yay I am also strong.

Louise: Get your stuff already. Dynamite give everyone at least one weapon.

Dynamite: Ok. Everyone come to the weapon master.

Soonyeong: Just shut up and give me a weapon.

Dynamite: Rude much.

Minhee: My sword please.

Ruby: You are strong enough you don't need any weapons.

Minhee: I still want to look good when I am fighting.

Jungkook: Do you see any entrance? Because I am sure that we are at the back of this building.

V: This is a castle.

Jimin: Oh my god. Guys I forgot Seeha can talk to me, Jungkook, V, Minhee and Soonyeong. And we can talk to her.

V: That is true. We should try if we can reach her.

Jin: Hurry up. We don't know how long we have left until we actually need to get in.

V: Okay we will.

A few minutes later...

K: And what did she say?

Jimin: She said she figured out where they are. But it won't be easy because EXO is there. And there are people out here aswell.

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