Beaches and Capris -- Sabrina

Start from the beginning

Sabrina is small so she is easily quick and evades my shots. Eventually I am out of water and Sabrina is spraying my brutally.

I throw the gun on to the ground  and stand in defeat letting Sabrina spray me until she is satisfied and stops.

"Happy now," I ask sarcastically.

"No," she chirps before beginning to spray me again.


"What is that noise," Sabrina questions as we walk along the shore. Her hands is safely in mine and her head leans against my shoulder. 

"You will see," I smile down innocently at her. 

Soon the sound becomes evident as ukulele playing. I asked my friend Grace to play for a few minutes while Sabrina and I appreciate the ocean.

"I know that song", Sabrina giggles.

"Yeah," I ask before stepping back and spinning my shorter girlfriend around and pulling her in to a slow dance.

"Yeah," I ask before stepping back and spinning my shorter girlfriend around and pulling her in to a slow dance

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"Mmhmm," she hums.

"Im yours by Jason Mraz", she mumbles as she lays her head on my chest.

My heart rate instantly picks up at the contact. 4 wonderful years of being together and she still makes my heart go crazy.

"Are you nervous", she giggles against me.

"No, w-why would you ask that", I stutter.

"Because your heart is beating really fast," she looks up at me which makes me blush.

"It's just-- This girl I am completely and utterly in love with. Whenever we touch I feel like my skin is on fire. Kinda like I can't breath without her," I say honestly as I peer down into her love pouring eyes that flicker to my lips.

I lean down to kiss her but just as her breath hits my face, my watch vibrates, signaling its time.

By now the sun has set, and a million stars line the sky.

"Uh-uh LOOK AT THE WATER", I exclaim nervously.

"What," Sabrina furrows her eyebrows in confusion.

"Just, look at the water and whatever you do, do NOT turn around," I say before face palming.

"WHAT? Are we about to die or something," she starts to panic.

"N-no, I have a surprise for you, thats all,"I giggle and kiss her cheek, admiring the blush beginning to form on the side of her cheek. Over her shoulder I see my friends Tom and Trevor begin to set up the picnic, with candles and rose petals. Grace takes this opportunity to  leave right on time. Trevor and Tom give me a thumbs up. 

"Okay now you can look", I say making Sabrina and I both giggle.

"This is-- beautiful," Sabrina gasps.

"All for you, mi amor", I swoon as I extend my arm for Sabrina to take.

She smiles genuinely and grabs my arm.

I walk her to the blanket, carful not to know over any candles as we sit down.

I reach into the basket and take out the chilled bottle of Dom Perignon and pour two wine glasses.

"Fancy," Sabrina smirks before accepting the drink.

I then pull out a 7 layer chocolate cake, making my girlfriends eyes go wide.

I chuckle and hand her a fork and take one of my own.

"This is genuinely incredible," she moans after a few bites of the desert.

"I am glad you are enjoying it," I smile.

"Seriously Y/n, tonight is something I will remember forever.  I love you more than you could ever know," she laces our fingers.

"Well the night is not over just yet," I breathe out shakily as I reach inside the basket pulling out the suede box.

Sabrina's breath hitches and she drops her fork.

"Y-Y/n", she stutters.

"Sabrina, I am in love with you, and I have been for the past 4 years. Every day I spend with you, I realize how lucky I am to have you. I used to wonder if it was possible to love someone more and more with time, and you proved to me that it is indeed possible! Because every time I look in your eyes, or see your smile, kiss your lips, or even hold your hand, I am reminded that there is nobody else on this planet who will ever make me feel the things that you do! I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want us to start a family together, and grow old in a house somewhere super cliché."

"Yeah totally," she giggles as she wipes the tears from her eyes.

"I want you to be the mother of my children, so they can have a heart as pure as yours so that together we can instill our love in every one of them.  I have wanted that for years now! I want to wake up and see your beautiful face everyday for the rest of my life."

"Even when I am old and saggy," Sabrina jokes again, tears sliding down her cheeks.

"Even when you are old and saggy," I giggle.

"I want to spend my days treating you with all the love and affection you need, and making sweet love to you at night. I want to be the one you can trust with all of your problems, and the one you trust enough to take your anger out on. I want to be your wife Sabrina. So will you, Sabrina Annlynn Carpenter, do me the honor, of Marrying me," I ask as I open the box, revealing the engagement ring, that sparkles brightly against the lit flames around us.

"Yes! Yes I will marry you", she exclaims and tackles me into a hug.

I sigh in relief and clutch onto her so tight, afraid that if I let her go she will be gone.

She pulls back and caresses my face and places a loving kiss on my lips passionately...

Kinda wanna do a making love on the beach part 2... Idk you guys want that or nah?

Sabrina Carpenter/ Camila Cabello ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now