Chapter 5 : Settling In

Start from the beginning

"Oh, iight, cool. So, uh, get packed up and I'll pick you up tonight," He said.

"Tonight?" I repeated.

"Yeah, why is that a problem?"

"No, I just didn't expect it to be so soon."

"Yeah, I figured the sooner the better, you feel me?"

I nodded as if he could see me. "Yeah, thats fine with me. Lemme go start packing I guess then."

"Iight, imma text you when I'm coming."

"Alright," I hung up and started stripping my drawers and closet of my clothes, packing them in suitcases. When I was done, there were 2 suitcases and three duffel bags.

I took a shower and put on a simple white American Eagle v-neck, dark True Religion jeans and my favorite Carmine Jordan's. I was ready to go.

Elijah texted me that he was outside and I attempted to drag all my bags outside but it wasn't working out. I nearly busted my ass on the stairs. My parents weren't even around to help either. They went out for a date night.

I gave up and walked outside to see Elijah bracing up against his car, looking at his phone, as usual.

He looked up at me. "Ava, where yo stuff at?"

"I couldn't deal with it. I nearly died trying to bring down my bags," I said, almost out of breath.

"Damn, how many bags you got?" He asked, slipping his phone in his pocket and coming up to me.

"5," I followed him inside and he looked at the bags on the stairs.

"Daaaamn. I know you moving in. But how you gonna fit all this in my crib?"

I folded my arms. "Its not even all that much and I know your apartment is big enough."

"Yeah whatever, grab a suitcase or something, I got the rest," He picked up like 4 bags and walked outside with them all like it was nothing, leaving me to carry a backpack.

I strapped it on my back and followed him to car, making sure to lock the door good after I left the house. After we packed my bags all away in the trunk, we drove off, across town to Elijah's place.


"Home sweet home," Elijah said once we stepped in his place. It was a classy penthouse with clear marble floors and white, furniture.

"Ooh, this is tight," I said kicking off my Js. "Its nice, Elijah."

"Thanks," He smiled, proudly. "I decorated it myself."

I looked around at the kitchen with island in the middle of it and stools surrounding it. His bathroom had a walk in, clear shower and a claw foot tub near it. And the guest room which was mine, had a king sized bed, a flat screen and dressers. It also had a large, rectangular windows with two plants at both sides of it.

"Wow, Eli, this dope!" I told him after giving myself a tour. He smiled.

"You tryna see my room?" He offered.

"Sure," I said, following him in his room. The master room was a light red and romantic like. It was the type of room, you'd make children in, with a love seat, a king sized bed, a flat screen, a stereo, and two large rectangular windows covered by dark red curtains.

"You like it?" He whispered, behind me, scaring me.

"Its...sexual as hell," I said, looking back at him. He laughed. "How many females you had in here?"

"About 3," He grinned, I folded my arms giving him the 'Nigga I don't believe you look.'

"Iight, iight, I meant 3 a day," He chuckled. I laughed too, hitting his arm.

"You are such a pig," I joked. "Lemme get outta here before something happens in this sexual ass room."

He followed behind me and laughed. "Thats exactly why my room is off limits."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Feed me," I said, sitting on a stool in the kitchen.

"Well ion know how to cook, so you tryna order Chinese or something?" He shrugged.

"Yeah, lemme get a pork fried rice and chicken wings," I said, spinning in the stool. He nodded and ordered our foods. I looked around in his living room at his stuff. His Xbox, pictures he had of his family, and a remote that dimmed the lights and turned on the radio.

"Ooooh," I said, playing with the remote and flicking the lights on and off, like a little kid.

"Ava, what you doing?" He asked, joining me in the living room.

"This is dope as hell!" I squealed. "Your apartment is hella dope."

He laughed. "Damn, Av, it ain't all that."

I sat down and flicked on the tv as my favorite movie "Love and Basketball" played on the screen.

"Oooo, my movie," I said, focusing on the movie. He sat next to me and watched it too.

"I shoulda known, you would like these corny romance movies," He said, shaking his head.

"Its not corny," I defended. "This movie is good. Have you ever even seen it?"

"Nah, cuz its corny."

"Watch it with me then!" I said, laying back. "You'll like it trust me."

Our food came and we watched the movie together, eating. After a while he was laughing and hooked to the movie, asking me a whole bunch of questions, making me get distracted.

"Wait hold up, they bout to fuck?" He asked at the sex scene.

"Shhh!" I sighed, trying to hear.

"Damn, thats sexy," He said, as Monica and Quincy made love for the first time. I rolled my eyes. This nigga was annoying.

After the movie finished, we began to clean up.

"I thought the movie was corny," I teased him as I washed the dishes.

He shrugged. "It was iight."

I laughed, shaking my head. After we finished cleaning up, I yawned and stretched.

"I'm bout to hit the bed," I said, sleepily. He was sitting in the living room, watching a game.

"Iight, imma be out here for a little while," He said. "Goodnight, brat."

I rolled my eyes, smirking. "Goodnight."

I walked in my guest room and stripped, falling fast asleep.

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