Chapter 61 - Ever Get the Feeling You're Being Watched?

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Andro was very flustered at hearing that. "That's impossible. How could they get our scriptures? How could they get warded against us? How could they even know about us?"

"Those are very good questions, Andro. And I think there is only one way they could have gotten this information." He paused to think for a moment. "Yes, this is very interesting, indeed. I think this warrants a personal visit to headquarters."

Katie's POV

I took sandwiches to the workout room for lunch, and we all took a break to discuss some strategy. Mom let the boys take off the masks for lunch, which was nice, because I needed to see Sammy's eyes.

Mom explained that she wanted to stay here for the training, and I promised I'd get a room ready for her. "And Mom, if you're going to stay here, you need to know we have another guest. His name is Garth. He may even be able to help you with training the boys because he has, well let's just say some exceptional abilities."

"Such as?" she asked.

"Well, exceptional strength for one thing."

Everyone was watching her intently to see her reaction. "Mom, please promise not to freak out okay?"

She looked concerned but nodded.

"Garth is a very good friend. But he's not human. He's a werewolf."

"He prefers lycanthrope," said Dean, with his mouth full.

Mom's eyes opened wider for just a second, but then she said, "I see… Well, I will take any help there is available to me. I look forward to meeting this Garth. You certainly do lead an interesting life here." she added. "He can't, by chance become invisible, can he?"

"No, but Cas can," said Maggie.

"Cas?" she asked.

"Yeah Castiel," I said. "He's an angel."

She stared at me. "Oh my," she said, "You're being perfectly serious aren't you?"

"Totally," I said, smiling at her.

I always knew Mom was special. After her initial shock, it was business as usual. "Okay then," she said. "We work until seven and quit for dinner. Feed them lots of red meat. This afternoon we learn how to get around this place blindfolded."

"We call it the Bat Cave," Maggie said.

"And Mom," we need to work in time for me to report on my research. I can't keep interrupting your training," I said.

"Right. Then you can start briefing us on that over dinner, and take as much time as you need after that." she said. "Boys, here are the rules. Up at 6, bed by 10. Light breakfast, normal lunch, red meat for dinner, preferably rare. Plenty of carbs and salads as well. Eat fruit during the day for snacks. No junk. No booze. You can take your masks off for meals, showers, sleeping and meetings."

"And sex?" asked Dean.

"No sex."

"What?" exclaimed Sam and Dean together.

"No sex, it dulls your wits." she answered. "Three Days. Then you can have a break. But I need three days of you at top form. It takes a while to train your neurons to react to the stimuli. Once they get that initial message, it gets easier. Then it's just a matter of continued training and practice, like any other skill."

Sam and Dean looked at each other with sad, puppy dog eyes.

"You'll live," Mom said, unsympathetically.

"I'll need to do some shopping," I said.

"We set then?" said Mom, getting up off the floor. When no one had anything else to add, she said, "Four laps around the room, boys. Then the masks go back on."

During the afternoon I was aware of them making their way blindly through the Bat Cave, learning to get around it without sight. Sam was a bit better at this than Dean, but Dean was no slouch either. They were both working hard, without complaint, and I was so proud of them. Now and then Maggie or Mom would drop something near them on the floor and judge their reactions. They were getting better at that too.

At 5 o'clock I went to home world to shop. There was another packet on the seat when I got there. I quickly opened it to scan the contents. There were about twenty pages of writing in Aramaic, with a lot of drawn pictures. Paper clipped on top was a small note, with one word on it - EURIKA! It said. Looked like Eric had completed the spell. Things were definitely moving along.

Mom sprung the boys at 6:30 for showers, and I introduced her to Garth. She took to him right away, as many people tend to do. He readily agreed to do what he could to help her train the boys.

Over dinner I gave my report on my research for the day. "Eric left another package. It looks like it might be the destruction spell." I said. "I've printed out what I have about the inhabitants of that world for both of you. I think you should memorize it all. It tells about the different monsters, what they can do and how they can be killed."

"Good stuff," said Sam, admiringly.

"The thing is, I went on, "it's all new. You're also going to have to learn how to recognize different trees, plants and minerals, because many things are only weak to certain elements. From what I can see, your major weapons will be blades, smeared with different substances."

"Other than monsters, you need to know about the, well, let's call them people. They aren't like us. It says that the world there is not advanced technologically or industrially. It's more like our middle ages. The working energy there is magic, rather than science. Not only can the people do magic, but lots of things have magical properties. I'm working as fast as I can to translate it all for you to study."

"Oh, back to the people." I continued. "Apparently they look more like what we think of as elves than humans. They are taller than humans, usually lean, with pointy ears and eyes."

"Daamm,! Dean exclaimed. "Sounds like we're going to Middle-Earth"

"Or into a game of Dungeons and Dragons," said Sam.

"Might sound like that, but this is no fantasy, guys, it's real. The more I read, the more that hits me." I said.

"Yeah, we get that," said Dean.

"Anyway back to the people. They have slightly shaded skin, in different colors, based on the kind of magic they use most. Red for fire, blue for water, pearl for air and green for earth. Seems like a lot of magic is elemental in nature, but not all."

Dean half smiled and said, "Hmm, this might even be fun," which made Maggie glare daggers at him.

"What?" he said, defensively. "If we have to do this, might as well enjoy it right?"

I noticed mom looking worriedly at him. "Don't worry Mom," I said. "He takes things seriously, he just doesn't like to show it."

"That's it for now," I told them. "You should learn the stuff I just gave you tonight, because there's a lot more coming."

"You should probably work on the spell next," said Sam.

"Yeah, I intend to," I said.

After dinner, I cleaned up while Maggie took Mom home to get some things and the boys went to the study to read their printouts. Then we got Mom settled in her room, and called it a day.

Sam fell right into bed. "I'm exhausted," he said. "Your Mom is a slave driver."

"I know," I said, kissing him lovingly. "But you'll thank her for it when you bring that sweet ass of yours back home alive." Neither of us mentioned the prophesy. But I'm sure we both thought of it, because suddenly we were holding onto each other tighter.

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