Chapter 40

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This is gonna be the last chapter of this book. I'm already writing the sequel! thank you guys so much for reading!

I love you all so much!

(so this is the day of the abortion)

Chloe's POV

I wake up to my alarm. it's 9:00.

I jump out of bed put on some sweats and a sweatshirt.

I run to Zoe's room "Zoe get up! We have to go!!"

"Alright alright I'm up!"

"My appointment is in an hour let's go!"

"Ok ok." she jumps out of bed.

Zoe's POV
Once Chloe leaves the room I call Theo.

Are you here?


Well head to the doctors office.


I hang up and put on a skinny jeans and a sweatshirt.

I walk down stairs to Chloe at the door waiting for me.

"Come on let's go!"

"Ok!" I grab my purse

I run out to the car. I say "I'm driving."

"Fine but let's go! It's already 9:15!"

"Ok! But we are taking a quick detour."

"What?! Where?!"

"McDonalds. I'm hungry!"

"Fine but hurry."

We pull into the drive thru.

"What do you want?" I ask

"2 sausage mcgriddles, a hash brown, and a coke."


"Hey a pregnant lady's gotta eat."

"What are you gonna do when you can't keep pulling this pregnant card on us? Just say 'hey a fatties' gotta eat."'

"Shut up!"

"Hi welcome to McDonald's how can I help you?"

"Um we'll have 3 mcgriddles, 2 hash browns, 1 large coke, and 1 large dr pepper."

"Is that all?"


"Your total will $9.54 at the first window."


"That was appetizing." I say

Zoe looks at the road "Ya."

I look to my side, out the window. I see a very familiar car.

"Is that Theos car?!"

"What?! No!"

I unroll the window and stare at the car.

"That's Theos car!" I yell

"No it's not!"

I start to open the car door.

"Chloe! You can't just open the door in a moving car!"

"We are NOT moving!"

Zoe grabs my wrist. "The light just turned green! Put your leg in the car!"

I obediently put my foot in the car and shut the door.

"But that was Theos car!" I say

"No it wasn't!"

"Yes it

"No it wasn't."

"How do you know?!"

"He's in London!"

"What. How do you know that."

"I called him yesterday."


"To tell him he's and idiot! That's all I said!"

"Ok. Thank you. But you didn't need to do that."

"I'm sorry for helping out my sister."

"I'm sorry."

The rest of the ride is silent.


"Well we are here." Zoe says

I don't feel to well about this but i say "Ya I guess so."

"You can always back out."


"Ok. Well here we go."

We walk in and sit down. But we automatically have to get back up.

"Chloe Parker?"

We get up and walk towards the doctor.

Zoe squeezes my hand and whispers "It'll be ok."

The doctor says "Ok your room is 14. You just keep walking down this hallway."

"Ok thank you."

We walk down the hallway. We find the room. I stop at the door.

Zoe says "It'll be ok."

I nod. I twist the door open. I suspected to see an empty room. But I see a man sitting on the bed facing the other direction.

I say "Oh I'm sorry. I must be in the wrong room."

He says still facing the wall "No your in the right room."


He turns around.

I can't believe what I see. I see the love of my life. I can feel the tears welding up in my eyes.

I whisper "Theo."

He stands up "Chloe. You can't get rid if this baby."

"Don't say this if you don't mean it."

"I do mean it! Chloe I want this baby! And most importantly I wan to have this baby with you!"

I run over to him. I jump into his arms, I wrap my legs around his waist. And nestle my head in his neck.

"It's alright Chloe."

I hop off of Theo. I look over at Zoe and say "I told you I saw Theos car!"

"Ya I was getting a little worried when you were getting out if the car." she says

"You were ruining our plan!" Theo says

I laugh.

Theo looks at me then says "Did you do something different to your hair?"

"Ya it's actually my natural color."

"Well it beautiful! I mean you were pretty as a brunette but your beautiful as a blonde!"

Zoe laughs then says "Funny that's exactly what Nando said!"

Theos eyes get big "Who!"

I say "My GAY hairdresser."

"Oh thank goodness! I thought I was gonna have to kill him!"

"Your so protective!"


"I love it about you!"

I kiss him

"I love you." he says

"I love you."

So what did you think?? I'm currently writing the sequel!

Love you all!

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