Chapter 32

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We walk to the door where my mother and her husband are standing.

"Oh Chloe." she walks up to me and gives me a hug. I don't hug her back I just stand there all stiff.

"Hello mother." I turn to her husband "Hello Jason"

"Why hello."

"Who is this young fellow?" my mother asks while looking at Theo

"This is Theo."

"Do I know you from somewhere?" my mother asks

"Possibly." I say "He's an actor."

"How do you to know each other?" Jason asks

"Jason! Let's let them in then you can ask your questions." my mother says

"Okay." he replies

They move out of the way and walk towards the living room. Theo and I follow them.

We all go and sit on the couch except Jason who walks and grabs a beer from the fridge.

"So how do you to know eachother?" Jason repeats

"Well we met at a party." Theo says.

"Oh was I one if Chloe's parties? She was always a partier." my mother says

"Yes mom."

"And now we are engaged." Theo says

Jason's beer drops straight from his hand.

"What?!" he yells

"Yes. You would know if you two bothered to be in my life!" I yell

"We've tried calling you!" my mothers says

I look down at my feet and whisper "I may have changed my number."

"Chloe you always blame us, but you don't bother to be in our lives."

"You think I wanted to go to your wedding?!"

"Well maybe." my mother whispers

"You were wrong! I always hated you after what you did to dad!"

I storm upstairs to my room. I go and sit on my bed and cry. After about five minutes of crying someone comes in my room.

"Go away." I say I between crys

A familiar British voice says "Alright I'll go away."

"Wait no please stay! I thought you were Jason or my mother."

Theo sits next to me. I sit up and rest my head on his chest.

"Can we go?" I ask

"Of course."

I stand up off my bed, Theo does the same.

"Let's go." he says as he grabs my hand

"Ok." I say as I grab a blanket.

"What's that for?"

"You'll see."


We walk down stairs together.

I walk to the door and say "Good bye mother, Jason."

We walk out the door with our hands held high.

I barely get 2 steps before I'm swooped off my feet.

"Ahhhh!" I shriek

"Where to?" He asks

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