Chapter 17

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I rest my head on Theos shoulder.

"Why are we flying? it only takes 4 hours to drive."

"I know. But it we can spend more time together." I say as I lean in for a kiss.

"Fair enough." he says


"Alright ladies and gentlemen, this flight to Las Vegas, Nevada will be landing in about 15 minutes." The flight attendant announces.

I look to my right to see Theo asleep. I shake his shoulders to wake him up.

"Hmmm" he groans

"Theo. You gotta get up! We're landing in a couple minutes." I say

"Just a couple more minutes." he groans

"Theo! Get up!"

"Noooooo. I'm still tired." he mumbles

"Theo. Come on."

"Geez I was planning on proposing, but not if you keep acting like this."

My breath is taken away "Wait what?"

"What?" he groans

"You said you were planning on proposing."

"Ya so?"

"Theo do you realize what your telling me?"


I kiss him to try to wake him up now.

"Whoa. How long was I asleep?" he asks

"The whole flight."


"You were telling me some pretty crazy things, you know."

He chuckles "Oh ya. like what?"

I decide not to tell him about the proposal. So I whisper "Oh just how you can't wait to sleep with me in Vegas."

He shouts "What did I really say that??"

"Ya but don't worry. You whispered it. So I was the only one who heard you."

"Thank god!"

"I love you."

"I love you more."

"I doubt that."

"Chloe I love you more than you'll ever know!"

I smile and kiss him. At first it was just a little peck on the lips, but it turns into more passionate.

"Hey no PDA." I hear someone say

I break the kiss apart to see Shailene.

"Omg! What are you doing here?" I say

"Well I'm here to help out Ansel."

"Why ? What's wrong with him?"

"Didn't you hear?"

I shake my head

"Oh well Olivia broke up with him for some guy named Chris."


"Ya he's pretty heart broken."

"Well tell him I hope he feels better. And we should meet up in Vegas."

"Ya that would be fun." And she walks back to her seat.

I turn to Theo. "Did you know about this?"



"No all I knew was that Ansel was really depressed."

"Oh ok."

I rest my head on Theos shoulder. As we look out the window of the plane.

We are like this for about 10 minutes until they announce "Alright everyone Welcome to Vegas!"

We hear cheers and yells all around us. But we are in our own little world. I have know idea what Theo is thinking about. But my mind is stuck on the whole proposal thing. Did he just say that because he was asleep? Did he say that to just get me in bed? Does he really mean it?

I guess I will find out.

I don't really do this but I'm going to try it out. I am so thankful for all the reads! It doesn't seem big. But to me it's huge just to have 1 read! I love you all so much!

Q: should I keep doing these little things?

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