Chapter 1

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"Hey come over right away!" I texted one of my best friends, Maiah.

" Omg! What happened Chloe?" She replied

"What? Nothing! I'm throwing a party and I need your help to get everything."

"Oh ok I'll be there soon!"


I texted the same thing to my other besties like Riley, Olivia, and Amanda.

In about 15 minutes I hear a knock on my apartment and they are all there.

"Ok so here are the things we need to get:



Chips and dip

Other food.

What else do you think we need?"

"Um where is it going to be?" Riley asked

"Oh it is going to be at the beach house."

"Ok well probably extra towels, and stuff like that."

"Ok who wants to get the booze and cups?"

"I will!" yells Riley.


"I'll get the food." Amanda says

"Ok get anything you want."

"I'll get towels and stuff." Olivia says

"Ok then Maiah and I are going to the beach house to get it set up. and text everyone you know and tell them to come!"

"Alright!" everyone says

"Let's go then!" I say

I head to my blue convertible and everyone else heads to there car and leaves. I pull my sunglasses down and start to drive down the coast to the beach house. my long brown hair flows behind me with the wind.

When I finally get there I have to wait a couple of minutes for Maiah to pull up.

"Hey! So what do we need to do?" She asks

"Well we need to set up and lock all the bedrooms! And then text everyone we know!"

"Ok well can I stay here tonight?"



"Ya! Alright I'll text Shailene and tell her to come and bring some of her friends!"

"Lucky! You know famous people!"

"We've been over this! I only know her because she was in my dad's movie! and now we are friends."

"I know. I know."

"Ok let's get started! It's 5:30 now and the party starts at 7 so we don't have a lot of time."

"Ok I'll go to the backyard and set up law chairs."

"Ok. I'll start in here."

Maiah goes outside and I stay in here. I decide to text Shailene

"Hey, I'm having a party tonight! You should come! and you can bring some friends if you'd like."

I get a reply saying, "Yeah that sounds like soooooo much fun! What time?"

I text back, "7 o'clock. You can be fashionably that though if you'd like."

"Wow! You really do know me!"

"Well ya!! We've been friends since what September? And it's July now so!"

"Ya almost a year!!"

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