Chapter 25

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I wake up with a massive headache. I look over to see Theo asleep.

"Oh my god. What happened." I shake Theo awake. "Theo wake up!"

He finally wakes up. I look on my hand to see I have an arrow tattoo on my pointer finger.

"Theo what happened last night?"

"I have no idea."

"Oh. Well did you get any tattoos?"

"I don't think so. Did you?"

"Ya." I show him my finger

"And one on your back." he points out

"What! What is it?"

"It's cute."

"That's not my question What is it and where is it?"

He puts his finger on my lower back right above my butt "It's the infinity sign."

"Maiah is going to be pissed at me" I yell

Theo laughs "Why?"

"Cuz we were supposed to get our first tattoos together! And I already got 2!"

"Make that 3."


He puts his hands up in surrender "I'm just kidding."

"Theo you know you got a tattoo, right?"

"What?! Where?"

" Under your shoulder."

He looks at the tattoo."Its not that bad." he says

"What if we ever break up?"

"I'd still love you." he says as he gives me a kiss

"Oh and I'm sure you new girlfriend will absolutely love your Chloe heart tattoo."

"I don't really care."

"Thanks. Let's retrace last night."

"Ok. I remember going to the club. Then leaving with Ansel and Zoe."

"And then going down Fremont street."

"And getting tattoos." Theo says

I look down at my left hand to see a diamond ring on it.

"Getting engaged." I say

Sorry it took me so long to update! I had horrible writers block!

Love you all

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