Chapter 39

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Theos POV

I hurry and get on the plane.

All I can think while in the plane is I hope I make it in time

Chloe's POV

Why does Zoe want to stop this so bad? it's the only way I'll get Theo back.

I walk out to the beach and just sit on the sand. I wrap my arms around my knees and cry.

I look down at my stomach and say "I'm sorry who ever you are. I just want to let you know I love you. And I don't want to do this but I have to get Theo back. I wish I could keep you. One last time I love you."

With that I stand up and walk back inside. When I get inside I see everyone awake standing by the for with glassy eyes.

"What's wrong with you guys?" I say

They all embrace me in a hug

"I just don't know what to do any more!"

Maiah says "I know what you need to do. You need to keep this baby!"

I shake my head "No it's the only way I'll get Theo back."

"Chloe your keeping the baby!" Shai says.

"Chloe I don't care if I have to lock you up in the closet on that day. Your keeping the baby!" Maiah yells

"I can't keep it, it's the only way I'll get the love of my life back!"

I push my way out of the circle "I'm going to get my hair done. Zoe are you coming?"

"Ya. You guys can stay if you want. We'll only be an hour."

"Alright bye." Ansel says then walks over to Zoe and gives her a hug.

At the sight of this I raise an eyebrow.

"Can we go?" I ask

"Of course." Zoe responds.

We walk out to the car. I get in drivers side.

"So what's up with you and Ansel?"

"Nothing we're JUST friends."

"With benefits."

"Just drive."


"Hey Nando! How are you?" I walk over and give him a hug.

"I'm fine princess. How are you!"

"Well I'm pregnant."



"Oh my gawd!"

"I know right!"

He looks behind me.

"No who is this? I feel like I've seen you before."

"This is Zoe. You might've she's a famous singer."

"Oh. My. Gawd! Zoe Parker is in my salon!"

"Nando can I get my hair done?"

"Ooo someone's feisty! What do you want done?"

"I want it back to my natural hair color."

"Thank the gods! I always loved your natural hair color! The blonde fits you! Don't get me wrong you were beautiful as a brunette, but as a blonde gorgeous!!"

"Thanks Nando."

We walk over to the coloring station. I sit down in the chair and Zoe sits down next to me.

She says "Guess what happened last night when you went to bed."


"So you know how things are already awkward with Liv and Ansel."


"She brought over that other guy Chris. I could've sworn Ansel was so calm like he didn't even care."

"No way!!"


"Wow I'm happy for Ansel, he's doing better. He kept his anger down and he was calm."

"But I wasn't."

"What did you do?"

"Well I punched Chris and Maiah joined in with me. We eventually kicked him out. And once he left Liv announced how she was still in love with him. Guess what he said."


"He was in love with someone else."

"Did he say who?!"

"No but he looked over at me!!"

"Ooooo someone's crushin!"

"And I think I like him!"

"No way!"


Nando says "Ok Chloe you ready to look?"

He already blow dried my hair and everything. I nod my head.

He spins my chair around. My breath is taken away by the sight!

"Oh my god! Nando this is amazing! I look like a completely different person! I love it!"

I jump up and give him a hug.

"How much?"


"Nando! No it's usually $150!"

"I'm giving you a discount for being my favorite person!"

"What Jacob isn't?"

"No we broke up."

"Oh Nando I'm sorry."

"Girl! I'm now single and ready to party!!"

I hand him the money "Hahah well bye Nando."

"Bye princess!"

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