Chapter 15

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"You wanna go back in?" Theo asks

I nod my head, yes. We lock hands and walk over to where we scattered our clothes.

When we get there I stare in disbelief. our clothes our gone.

"Looking for these?" I hear someone yell (if course it's Zoe)

"Um yeah can we have our clothes back?" I yell


"Why the hell not!"


"That's not an answer."

"Fine come get um." but before we can even run there she through a them in the pool.

"ZOE!!" I yell


"You throw our clothes in the pool! I mean I don't really care about mine, cuz you always do this. But theo?!"

"Your point is?"

"Ugh never mind."

"Alright. I'll be inside with Luke."

As she's walking in I yell "Use protection!"

"Theo I'm sorry your clothes are in the pool."

"Hey it's fine."

"No it's really not."

"What's wrong?"

"Hmm? Nothing! Why would you think something's wrong."

"Cuz the Chloe I know would be laughing her ass off."

"Hmm let's think about this. I bet you had stuff in your pockets."

He slowly nods his head

"Ok. Now let me guess you had your phone and your wallet."

His face gets pale.

"Oh shit!!!"

He dives into the water and searches for his pants.

He pops up "ITS NOT IN HERE!!"

I start to laugh my ass off.

"What's so funny?!"

"Do you really think Zoe is that mean?"


"Our phones are right here!"

"Thank god!"

I walk over to grab a towel cuz I'm still only in my bra and panties.

But as I'm walking there I feel strong hands around my waist.

"Theo!!" I yell as I'm in air going into the pool.

I get out the pool and go to sit on Theos lap.

I turn my head and say "Sometimes it's really hard to love you."

"But you do."

"That I do."

I lean in for a kiss. But he beats me to it. I twist my body around, so that my legs around around his waist. We stay there for a while.

I break apart. "Do you wanna go out tonight?" I ask

"I'd love to, where to?"

"That's for me to know."

"Huh usually it's the girl who gets the surprise not the guy."

"Plot twist." I say dramatically

He laughs and wraps his arm around me.

"What do I wear?" he asks

"Hmmmm... something nice."

"K what time should be here."

"I'll head to your place."


"I love you."

"I love you too."

Next thing I know my lips are on his. This is not a normal kiss this one is more romantic where as the others are spunky.

Once we break apart I place my forehead on his and whisper "I don't like this way of kissing."

"Thank god me neither! I thought we would have to keep kissing like that."

I laugh. I kiss him but this time passionately.

Once we break apart he whispers "That's more like it."


"Do you want to go to a room?"


He looks confused


"I need to get everything ready for tonight!"

"Ok fair enough."

"Now leave!"

"Ok ok, but um I need clothes."

"Oh right."

We walk inside to my room. I walk to the closet and hand him some sweatpants and a T-shirt.


"Yup. now leave."

"Alright, alright."

"Love you." I say as I kiss him

"Love you too."

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