Chapter 37

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Zoe's POV

I open the door expecting to see Ansel and Shai but I see Zac.

"Why are you here?" I spit out

"I came to talk to Chloe."


"I need to explain myself."

"She's in here." I let him in and lead him into her room.

She's on her bed curled up in a ball with the girls sitting around her.

Olivia nudges her and Riley starts starring at Zac.

"Chloe Zacs here." I say

"Hi Chloe what's wrong?" he walks over to her and the girls move out if his way so he can sit by her. "Chloe are you alright."

She sniffles then says "I'm fine. Why are you here?"

"I came to say I'm sorry. I don't know what's wrong with me. You are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen!" he eyeballs her "Even when you have mascara running down your face and your hair a mess."

She laughs.

"See there's that smile I love!"

She looks up at him. They just stare at each other for a couple minutes. I then see Zacs mouth move closer to Chloe's. Chloe doesn't stop him even though she's engaged.

His mouth connects to hers, but she pulls back.

"I'm sorry." he says

"No it's my fault I shouldn't of let you kiss me. I'm- well I hopefully am still engaged."

"I'm going to go."

"I think that'd be best."

He grabs her hand and kisses it "Remember I'm only up the street."

"Good bye Zac."

"Good bye Chloe."

When Zacs leaves Shai and Ansel come up.

Chloe POV

"Here Chloe I brought you some ice cream."

Shai hands me the ice cream.

"Thank you."

"Oh I got you pizza. 8th avenue your favorite."

"Thank you."

I take the pizza and start eating it.

Amanda try's to take a piece but I away her hand away.

"I'm feeding two back off!" I say

"Your what?!" Shai's eyes look like they're going to pop out of her head.

"Oh, um..... I may be pregnant."

"What?! I'm just now finding this out now!"

"Shai I found out like 5 hours ago!"

"Oh ok."

I yawn.

"Guys she's tired let's go." Maiah says

"You guys can spend the night if you want."

They all head down stairs except for Zoe.

She walks over to me. And says "Don't worry little sister it'll be alright." she kisses my forehead

"Will come with me tomorrow?"


"To get my hair dyed?"

"Of course! Are you getting you natural color?"

"Ya. I'm kinda tired of having to go and get it re-dyed every few weeks."

"Goodnight little sister."

"Good night big sister."

Once she walks out I grab my phone and call the doctor.

Theos POV
I feel really bad for not texting her back. But I need time to think things through and spend time with my family.

I sit in my old room staring at the ceiling. My mom yells "Theo dinner!"

I walk downstairs and sit at the table. Tonight we are having steak and mashed potatoes.

"Honey are you ok?" my mother asks me

"I'm fine I guess."

"Are you sure son?" my father asks me

"I'm done eating."

"But you barely ate anything." my father says

"I'm not hungry." I walk upstairs.

I sit on my bed and look at all the messages Chloe has sent me.

I'm sorry.
Theo please answer me.
This is all my fault.
You don't have to have the baby.
You can leave me I don't really care anymore.
Your ripping my heart out by not answering me.
I love you.

A tear trickles down my cheek. I, again, have broken my Chloe's heart. Why does she keep taking me back? I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't want me back. I now know I want this child.

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