Chapter 20

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Once I leave I text Maiah

Hey are you in town?


Ya why?


Theo and I got in a fight can I come over to your hotel room?


I'm so sorry to hear that! Ya come right over! we are the top floor so I'll have to meet you in the lobby. We are at Monte Carlo.


Ok I'm coming over. is Miles ok with this?


Oh ya he's fine with it.


Ok thank u so much!


I'm in the lobby with my stuff looking for Maiah. I'm walking around looking for her. I finally see her by a restaurant.

"Maiah! Over here!" I yell

She sees me and starts walking over. When she reaches me, she embraces me with a huge hug. I start to cry on her shoulder.

"Shhhh it's ok. Shhhhh."

In between crys I say "I... thought... he....."

"That's what everyone thinks."

"But on the plane he said something about proposing."


"Ya but then he was acting like a total douche."

"What did you guys get in a fight about?"

"Can we talk about it later. I'd rather not give everyone that information."

"Ok let's go talk about it in the room."


We sit on the couch and talk.

"So I could tell he was getting really upset because he was getting stiff. So I asked him if he was alright. and he got like really mad at me." I say

"Wow I'm really sorry. C'mere. Did you tell him where you are going?"

I give her a hug and cry in her shoulder again. "No but I wrote him a note an I'm pretty sure we broke up."

"Oh honey boys are boys, he'll come around again."

"I hope."

Theos POV

I run back to the room to see all of Chloe's stuff is gone. But I do see a note on the bed:

Theo I sorry I get in your way. You can have to suite to yourself. I hope you can find someone who doesn't get in your way.
I love you,

Oh my god what have I done? Why didn't I chase after her? Ugh I'm such a fucking idiot!

I text Shailene
Hey do you know where Chloe is?

No. why? what did you do!

We got in a fight

What did you do?

She was just trying to be nice and see if I was alright. And I was a complete jerk.

Ok I'll text her and ask if she wants to hangout. and you can come over to.

Thank you!!!!

I go and sit on the bed with my head in my hands. Oh I hope this works.

Falling for himOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora